INSERT INTO PERMISSION (OID, PERM_ID, NAME, DESCRIPTION, CATEGORY, STATUS) VALUES ('000000000042100PERM', 421,'Custom_Tab', 'Access Greetings page',7, 'A');
INSERT INTO PERMISSION (OID, PERM_ID, NAME, DESCRIPTION, CATEGORY, STATUS) VALUES ('000000000042200PERM', 422,'Say_Hello', 'Display Hello mesage',7, 'A');
INSERT INTO PERMISSION (OID, PERM_ID, NAME, DESCRIPTION, CATEGORY, STATUS) VALUES ('000000000042300PERM', 423,'Say_Goodbye', 'Display Goodbye message',7, 'A');
4. Edit
For a variety of reasons, you should resource the text that your JSPs will display rather than including that text as
#customTab static text
navigationTab.customTab = Greetings customTab.customTab.label = Salutations
customTab.instructions = Click under Ave atque Vale to display a greeting.
customTab.tableSummary = There are two hot links on this page that you can click to display a greeting.
customTab.customTab.title = Ave atque Vale customTab.hello.linktext = Hello
customTab.hello.subtitle = Click here to display a Hello salutation. CustomTab.goodbye.linktext = Goodbye
customTab.goodbye.subtitle = Click here to display a Goodbye salutation.
customTab.hello.label = Hello customTab.hello.title = Ave customTab.hello.helloMessage = Hi, there. customTab.goodbye.label = Goodbye customTab.goodbye.title = Vale customTab.goodbye.goodbyeMessage = Farewell.
#customTab permission descriptions
Custom_Tab = Access Greetings page = Custom Tab Say_Hello = Display Hello message
82 IBM Lotus Learning Management System Release 1 Customization Guide