IBM R1 manual Chapter Creating a tab, Users

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Chapter 8

Creating a tab

You can create a custom tabbed page to display along with the standard tabbed pages―Home, Student Catalog, Users, and so on. What you have to do to accomplish this depends on the sort of content you want the page to have.

At a minimum, you need to do the following:

1.Create a JavaServer Page with the content you want to display when the user selects the tab.

2.Add a permission to the PERMISSION database table to control access to the page. (See “Adding custom Permissions.”)

3.Add the permission description to and appropriate language versions if you plan to localize the application.

4.Edit the definition of those roles to which you want to assign permission to access the page.

5.Edit navigation.xml to include a definition of the page (and any JSPs to which the page provides links).

The following additional steps (which are beyond the scope of this document) are involved if the JSP contains server logic:

6.Create an action class to handle user input to the JSP.

7.Edit struts_config.xml to add action mapping for the JSP.

A look at what’s involved in displaying one of the standard tabbed pages―the Users

page―should give you an idea of how you might create a custom tab and allow users to access it.

The Users page

The Users page looks like this:

The tab’s label (Users) and the page label (Manage Users) are specified in the resource file


Chapter 8: Creating a tab 57

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Contents Customization Guide List of Trademarks DisclaimerLicensed Materials Property of IBM Page Table of Contents Index Customization setsCreating a tab Customizing the user interface Disclaimer and a word about conventions Acronyms and abbreviationsAcronym or What it stands for Abbreviation Page Chapter Changing settings through the user interface or XML Changing settingsPage Chapter Controlling access to features through permissions To add a role to the systemTo automatically assign a role to a user To modify permissions settings for an existing roleTo assign a role to a user To explicitly assign a role to a userControlling access to features Page Chapter Customizing Help Anatomy of a Help topicScript Mosaic-bg Background-repeat repeat-xScript Head Lmsform action=/ % Editing an existing Help topicReplacing a context-sensitive Help topic Adding your own Help topic HREF=shnotifications.html target=topNotifications/Abr HREF=shenrolled.html target=topEnrolled courses/AbrChapter Customizing JavaServer Pages OverviewServerNameWEB-INFtld Anatomy of a TLD fileLMS JSP tag libraries Defining the url tag in the TLD file Referencing the url tag in a JSPString formName = request.getParameterformName Rtexprvaluetrue/rtexprvalue Attribute Tag ServerNameWEB-INFclassescomlotuselearntaglibDefining a page as a JSP Learning Management System serverAnatomy of a JSP Referencing Struts tags Localizing page contentIncluding tag library descriptor files Including JavaScript source code Including the JSPs that comprise the main templateDiv class=formBoxPositionInner Td class=formBoxTitleBg colspan=3 valign=middle nowrapLogicnotPresent LogicnotMatch DivLogicnotPresent logicpresent name=invalidForm LogicpresentDelivery server Localizing page textPopulating a frameset in a JSP Displaying errors to the userScript language=JavaScript src=js/delivery.js/script Defining resizable frames Making global changes Frameset HtmlApplying customization sets Changing the application styleLanguage-version Editing existing CSS filesServerNamecsslanguageCodebrowserType Browser-versionChanging the font size or font style of the application Adding your own CSS filesReplacing CSS files @import urlmyStyles.cssUpdating page text ServerNameWEB-INFclassesresourcesserverNamepropertiesAdding and replacing graphics Titlelmsmessage key=application.title //titleApplication.title = IBM Lotus Learning Management System Lmslinklmsimg src=images/name.gif… //lmslinkImage.alt.logo = IBM Lotus Learning Management System Replacing the application logoLearning Management System server Delivery serverDeliverylogoURL resource=images/myCompanyLogo.gif Changing individual JSPsReplacing a reference to a CSS style Changing the style of an individual JSPSpecifying the next page to display Editing existing JSP tagsChanging the functionality of an individual JSP Editing form Bean values with the lmshidden tag Canceling the submission of a formSubmitting a form Lmshidden property=userEvent Removing JSP tagsLmshidden name=%=formName% property=unmodifiedKeywords Custom fieldsIt then checks to see if its a text box type field LogicnotPresent Logicequal Page Adding Ldap attributes to User Search pages Chapter Customizing SearchCustomizing user searches Attribute name=HealthPlanChoice type=java.lang.StringHealthPlanChoice = Employees Health Plan Removing fields from User Search pagesAdding custom fields to the Offerings Catalog Customizing Offerings Catalog searchesCustomizing course management and resource searches Removing fields from Offerings Search pagesRemoving fields from the Search pages Chapter Customization sets Creating a customization setLMM De en etc. SalesCS De en EtcPage Attribute Name Type Modified Size Path Customization sets Page Chapter Creating a tab UsersUsers.jsp @ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/lms.tld prefix=lms %Td width=1 valign=top Page Users.rosterUsers.subtitle = Roster Users Navigation.xml TrailManageProfiles TrailTrail TrailManageRoles Trail TrailManageUsersTarget tag struts action-mapping Content tag JSP file namesName tag page names and resourced text Label tag Permissions tag permission to display Adding custom permissionsTitle tag title bar text HelpPage tag context-sensitive HelpName UpdatetimeOid Permid0000000000000000PERM 0000000000003000PERM 0000000000009300PERM Example Copy the JSPsPage Creating a tab END Index Content Area Creating a tab Div Second linked page customGoodbye.jsp looks like this Page Customtab.html Create Help filesCustomtabb.html Add permissions to the LMS database Select Maxpermid from PermissionEdit Edit navigation.xml NavigationNamestudenthome/name Assign permissionsCreating a tab Page Index