| Acronyms and abbreviations |
Acronym or | What it stands for |
Abbreviation |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheet |
DS | Delivery Server |
DUC | Offline Learning Client (Disconnected Use Client) |
EAR (file) | Enterprise Archive (file) |
JSP | JavaServer Page |
LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
LMM | Learning Management Module |
LMMS | Learning Management Module Server |
LMS | Learning Management System (can refer either to the application or just to the |
| LMM) |
LMSS | Learning Management System Server (same as LMMS) |
SSO | Single |
TLD (file) | Tag Library Descriptor (file) |
WAR (file) | Web Application Archive (file) |
WAS | WebSphere Application Server |
WPS | WebSphere Portal Server |