You can ignore or remove the <META> tags at the beginning of the file. These are used in generating the Index. Otherwise, you can edit this file as you would any other standard HTML file.
Editing an existing Help topic
Open the _b.html, edit it, and save your work.
Replacing a context-sensitive Help topic
You can replace a
| |
preference.jsp |
Description: |
Allows users to modify their preferences |
| |
<%@ taglib | prefix="html" %> |
<%@ taglib | prefix="lms" %> |
<jsp:include page="popupHeader.jsp" flush="true"> <jsp:param name="messageKey" value="toolbar.preferences"/> <jsp:param name="header" value="toolbar.preferences"/>
<jsp:param name="helpPage" value="student/sh_preferences.html"/> </jsp:include>
<lms:form action="/"> <%--
For JSPs that aren’t
<title>navigationTab.studentHome</title> <permissions>Home_Module</permissions>
16 IBM Lotus Learning Management System Release 1 Customization Guide