•Insert UHF Boom-A into UHF Boom-B and secure using 1-1/2˝ screw and lock washer.
•Attach Reflector Arm Mounting Brackets to assembled UHF Boom (previous step) using two 1-1/2˝ screws and wing-nuts. Ensure that rotation arcs in Reflector Arm Mounting Brackets face toward UHF Boom elements.
•Attach Corner Reflector Arms to Reflector Arm Mounting Brackets by sliding Reflector Arms between Mounting Brackets. Secure with 1-1/2˝ screw and wing-nuts. To fully secure Reflector Arms, snap into locking tabs and tighten screws.
Assembly of VHF Portion
•Rotate reflector element rods on VHF Boom-A and VHF Boom-B into place. NOTE: When rotating element rods, grasp close to pivot and relieve spring pressure on pivot bracket detents. Don’t apply excess pressure to reflector ele- ment rods.
•Attach one 46˝ Element to hole A in VHF Boom-B.
•Attach one 50˝ Element to VHF Boom-B.
Repeat each steps with second boom for VHF Boom-B.