Chapter 4. Planning Considerations
This chapter describes the following
ŸMigration strategy
ŸMigration paths
ŸHardware requirements
ŸSoftware requirements
Migration Strategy
The recommended steps for migrating to a new release of RACF are:
1. Become | familiar with the | release | documentation. |
| |||||
2. | Develop | a | migration | plan | for your | installation. |
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3. | Install | the product | using | the | program directory | shipped with the | |||
4. | Use the | new release | before | initializing major | new function. |
5. Customize | the | new | function | for | your installation. |
6. Exercise | the | new | function. |
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Migration Paths for OS/390 Release | 2 | Security | Server | (RACF) |
Ÿ From OS/390 Release 1 Security Server (RACF) or RACF 2.2
If you are an OS/390 Release 1 Security Server (RACF) or RACF 2. customer, you can migrate to OS/390 Release 2 Security Server (RAC meet the OS/390 release requirements and the other software requi (OS/390 Release 1 Security Server (RACF) and RACF 2.2 are functiona equivalent.)
ŸFrom RACF 1.9.2 or RACF 2.1
If you are a RACF 1.9.2 or 2.1 customer, you can migrate to O Security Server (RACF) if you meet the OS/390 release requirements other software requirements. If you have RACF 2.1 installed, in a book you should read:
–OS/390 Security Server (RACF) Planning: Installation and forMigration OS/390 Release 1.
If you have RACF 1.9.2 installed, in addition to this book you s
–OS/390 Security Server (RACF) Planning: Installation and forMigrationOS/390 Release 1, and
– RACF Planning: Installation and Migrationfor RACF 2.1.ŸFrom RACF 1.9
If you are a RACF 1.9 customer, you can migrate to OS/390 Relea Security Server (RACF) if you are running with the restructured da meet the OS/390 release requirements and the other software requi your database is not restructured, you must restructure it and appropriate testing of any
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