IBM GC23-7753-05 manual Copyright License

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B-2IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows

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Contents IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows Page IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1996 Contents Index IBM Informix Dynamic Server Editions IntroductionAbout This Publication Types of Users Overview ReferenceWhat’s New in Version 11.50.xC4 Documentation Conventions Feature, Product, and Platform Markup Technical ChangesExample Code Conventions Html documentationSyntax Diagrams Additional DocumentationCompliance with Industry Standards Component represented in Html MeaningHow to Read a Command-Line Syntax Diagram Distinct UniqueSetting the Run Mode Keywords and PunctuationHow to Provide Documentation Feedback Identifiers and NamesPage Verifying Administrators Group Membership Preparing to Install IDS on WindowsOnline Notes Verifying System Requirements Multiple Copies of IDS on One Computer Multiple copies of different versionsMultiple copies of the same version Programs menuInstallation Application Setup Types Choosing Your Installation SetupRelated tasks Features Installable Features of IDSBase Server Backup and Restore Conversion and Reversion SupportXML Publishing Global Language SupportIDS Configuration File Demonstration Database ServerDemonstration Database Server on Your System Instance Configuration Wizard Planning Role SeparationInstallation Directory Choosing between Local and Domain InstallationsIxdbsso IxaaoLocal Installation Domain Installation with Domain Administrator PrivilegesUser informix Upgrading the Database ServerInstalling IBM Informix Products Installing IDS on WindowsInstalling a Copy of IDS on a Computer Related concepts Installing with the GUI Typical SetupRelated reference Installing with the GUI Custom Setup GUI feature tree Performing a Silent Installation Using a Response File for Silent Installation Using a Customized server.ini File for Silent InstallationTo perform a silent installation by using a response file Silent Installation on a Host with Multiple Installations %WINDIR%\setup.issSilent Installation Response Codes Code DescriptionCluster Installations Setting Up Cluster InstallationsOverview of Implementing a Cluster on Two Nodes Preparing to Set Up a Cluster Setting Up a Cluster InstallationTo set up a cluster on the primary node Implementing a Cluster on the Primary Node Installing IDS as a Cluster on the Secondary NodeIDS as a Cluster on the Secondary Node Upgrade of IDS by Overwriting an Existing Installation Overwriting an Existing IDS InstallationPlanning for Multiple Residency Multiple ResidencyCreating a New Database Server Instance Server Instance Manager Command-Line Options PurposeTroubleshooting Installation Problems Option System Meaning16IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows Working with the Installation Post-Installation Tasks on WindowsInstallation Automatic Actions IDS Program Group Initializing and Starting the Database Server Server-nameDatabase Server Configuration After Installation Choose Start Control Panel Administrative ToolsStopping the Database Server Database Server NumberDatabase Server Name Service Name and Port NumberDbspace Name, Location, and Size Default Sbspace Name, Location, Size, and Page Size Configuring IDS ManuallyTo configure the installed database server Shared Server Definition ComputerPost-Installation Tasks Windows 8IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows Modifying IDS on Windows Altering IDS FeaturesAltering Copies of IDS Uninstalling IDS Reinstalling the Database ServerPerforming Silent Uninstallations of IDS InstnumCommand 4IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows Deploying IDS with the Deployment Utility Deployment Utility+ Rapid IDS Embeddability with the Deployment Utility Initialized dbspacesDatabase Server Configuration Environment VariablesDeploying a Snapshot with the Deployment Utility Creating a Snapshot for DeploymentDatabase Server Aliases Syntax Ifxdeploy Command The Deployment UtilityIfxdeploy.conf file Command Options Informix-Admin groupElement Purpose Key Considerations DelifxForce Usage Examples of Deployment Utility Usage on Windows Example of Value Setting ParametersIfxdeploy.conf file is in $INFORMIXDIR/etc/ on Linux INFORMIXDIR%\etc on WindowsNo Onconfig Onconfig.stdIfxdeploy.conf file for InformixServername\rootdbsdat.000 Following shows the contents of the ifxdeploy.conf file + ifxdeploy.conf File Template#SYSTEM Informix and the administrative group + Removing a Snapshot with the Deployment Utility16IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows Appendix. Accessibility 2IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows Host Host 4IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows Copyright IBM Corp Copyright License Trademarks 4IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows Index Special characters Dbservername Mirrorpath Sbspacename ServernumINFORMIXDIR% Dbservername TCP/IP Page GC23-7753-05