2.4 PCI-bus, slots, and adapters
The IBM ^pSeries 610 Models 6C1 and 6E1 are compliant with Revision 2.1 of the peripheral component interconnect (PCI) specifications and implement two peer PCI busses:
A variety of graphics, SCSI, Fibrechannel, LAN, WAN, asynchronous, and SSA adapter cards can be installed in the Models 6C1 and 6E1. Internal SCSI RAID is supported.
Note: Please refer to the PCI Adapter Placement Reference,
Hot plug capabilities for PCI adapters are not supported on the Models 6C1 and 6E1. However, they are available within the IBM ^pSeries and RS/6000 product line. The following specific systems support hot plug PCI capabilities at the time of writing:
RS/6000 Model F80
RS/6000 Model H80
RS/6000 Model M80
RS/6000 SP™ Expansion I/O Units
IBM ^pSeries 620 Models 6F0 and 6F1
IBM ^pSeries 660 Models 6H0 and 6H1
IBM ^pSeries 660 Model 6M1
IBM ^pSeries 690 Model 681
More specific information about selected adapters is provided in the next sections.
2.4.1 32-bit versus 64-bit PCI slots
Choosing between
2.4.2LAN adapters
As the Models 6C1 and 6E1 are considered to be a server they have to be connected through the local area network (LAN). LAN connection options include: Ethernet,
2.4.3 Graphics accelerators
The IBM ^pSeries 610 Models 6C1 and 6E1 are servers and are not intended to serve as a workstation. Therefore, the GXT135P is the only adapter of choice. This adapter offers 2D functionalities for business graphics or Internet applications.
Chapter 2. Architecture and technical overview | 15 |