24 |
| Delta User’s Manual |
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memory, | just type: |
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PR#l |
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PR#g |
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The PR#l says “send everything to the printer”, the LIST |
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sends it, and the PR#O says “Ok, back to the screen now”. (There |
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are some slightly different versions of these commands in Appen- |
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dix C.) |
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Some other computers require you to open the printer as a - | ||||||||
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numbered device, and then direct the output to that device. For |
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example, | to list a program on the printer with a Commodore |
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computer you type the following: |
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| - | |
OPEN4,4 |
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CMD4 |
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This says that the printer is device 4, directs the output to it, |
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lists the program, | and finally | closes device 4. |
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The appendix gives more information about listing programs |
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on various computers. Find the appendix that tells how your com- |
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puter works, and try it. |
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Now that we all know how our computers address the printer, |
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let’s try listing a BASIC program. Load a BASIC program and | - | |||||||
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LLIST it (or however your computer does it). |
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We’ve crossed | the first major |
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grams on Delta. Now we are ready to jump into the world of pro- |
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gramming | with Delta. But first, there | are a few fundamentals | that |
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we need to cover. |
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Establishing communications |
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We’ve | learned | something | about | communicating with | our |
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printer. Now we need to adapt what we know to printing in a |
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BASIC program. Generally, computers use about the same proce- |
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dure for printing in a program | as they do to list a program. Again |
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take a few moments to look at the appendix that relates to your |
computer. We’ll continue when you have it all figured out. | - |