Q4: My 802.3af Powered device does not power on when I plug the device into the Switch. What should I do?
A4: First, verify that your PoE device supports IEEE 802.3af protocol. Second, verify that your PoE device powers up using its power adapter. Third, power cycle the PoE switch. Unplug power to the switch, wait 15 seconds, then plug the power back in. Fourth, plug the device into a different port on the PoE switch. Fifth, try using another
Q5: I forgot the administration password. How do I reset my
default password is admin.
Q6: What are the default port settings for configuring the Switch through the console port using HyperTerminal?
A6: Bits per Second: 115200; Data bits: 8; Parity: None; Stop bits: 1; Flow control:
None; Emulation: VT100.
If you still encounter problems or have any questions regarding the