■Prolonged use of the optical drive, such as watching a DVD movie, will substantially reduce your battery life. Many movie
■An additional battery is recommended if you will be watching DVD movies on battery power. If you don’t have an additional battery, you may purchase one either
To Watch a Movie on Battery Power:
1.Have an additional
2.Start watching your DVD movie.
3.When the low battery warning occurs, immediately stop the movie and exit the optical player.
If you don’t stop the optical drive quickly and the notebook attempts to auto- suspend (critical battery low state) the notebook will shut down improperly. If this occurs, you will need to power the system up with the power/suspend/resume button and follow any instructions that appear.
4.Manually place your notebook into Sleep mode by depressing the Suspend button. Plug in a power adapter and replace the discharged battery with an additional
5.Resume your notebook by pressing the Suspend button again. This step is not required if you attached AC power without entering Sleep mode.
6.Restart your optical drive, locate and skip to the chapter of the movie you were last watching.
7.Continue watching your DVD movie.
Some shorter DVD movies may not require you to swap batteries or attach AC power to complete them. However, it is best to be prepared since actual battery life while operating the optical drive cannot be guaranteed.
U s e r - I n s t a l l a b l e F e a t u r e s
The Auto Insert Notification function allows your Life- Book notebook to automatically start a DVD/CD as soon as it is inserted in the optical drive and the tray is closed. Your notebook will begin playing an audio DVD/CD or will start an application if the DVD/CD includes an auto run file.
To prevent a CD from playing automatically as soon as it is inserted, refer to the related help file for your specific operating system.