IBM EM78P447N manual General Description

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8-Bit Microcontroller with OTP ROM


EM78P447N is an 8-bit microprocessor with low-power and high-speed CMOS technology and high noise immunity. It is equipped with 4K*13-bits Electrical One Time Programmable Read Only Memory (OTP-ROM). It provides three PROTECTION bits to prevent user’s code in the OTP memory from being intruded. Seven OPTION bits are also available to meet user’s requirements.

With its OTP-ROM feature, the EM78P447N is able to offer a convenient way of developing and verifying user’s programs. Moreover, user can take advantage of ELAN Writer to easily program his development code.


Operating voltage range: 2.5V~5.5V.

Operating temperature range: -40°C~85°C.

Operating frequency rang( base on 2 clocks)

Crystal mode: DC~20MHz at 5V, DC~8MHz at 3V, DC~4MHz at 2.5V.

RC mode: DC~4MHz at 5V, DC~4MHz at 3V, DC~4MHz at 2.5V.

Low power consumption:

Less then 2.2 mA at 5V/4MHz

Typically 35 A, at 3V/32KHz

Typically 2 A, during sleep mode

4K 13 bits on chip ROM

Three protection bits to prevent intrusion of OTP memory codes

One configuration register to accommodate user’s requirements

1488 bits on chip registers(SRAM, general purpose register)

3 bi-directional I/O ports

5 level stacks for subroutine nesting

8-bit real time clock/counter (TCC) with selective signal sources, trigger edges, and overflow interrupt

Two clocks per instruction cycle

Power down (SLEEP) mode

Two available interruptions

TCC overflow interrupt

External interrupt

Product Specification (V1.1) 03.30.2005


(This specification is subject to change without further notice)

Image 5
Contents EM78P447N Elan Microelectronics Corporation Contents Specification Revision History General Description EM78P447NBWM PIN Assignment EM78P447NAS Pin Description Symbol Pin No Type FunctionEM78P447NAP and EM78P447NAM Pin Description EM78P447NCK and EN78P447NCM Pin Description Power supplyEM78P447NBP and EM78P447NBWM Pin Description EM78P447NDK and EM78P447NDM Pin Description Function Description1 R0 Indirect Addressing Register Operational Registers2 R1 Time Clock /Counter 3 R2 Program Counter & StackFffh Call RET Retl RetiData Memory Configuration 6 R5~R7 Port 5 ~ Port7 5 R4 RAM Select Register7 R8~R1F and R20~R3E General Purpose Register R5, R6 and R7 are I/O registers8 R3F Interrupt Status Register Special Purpose RegistersAccumulator Control RegisterIocb Wake-up Control Register for Port6 3 IOC5 ~ IOC7 I/O Port Control RegisterTCC Rate WDT RateWUE Ioce WDT Control RegisterExie Iocf Interrupt Mask RegisterTCC/WDT & Prescaler TCC and WDT Block DiagramIOD I/O PortsReset Reset and Wake-upSLEEP2 SLEEP1 Usage of Sleep1 and Sleep2 ModeSummary of the Initialized Values for Registers Address Name Reset Type BitExif Tcif R3FISRWUE7 WUE6 WUE5 WUE4 IocbPrevious value before reset Previous status before resetStatus of RST, T, and P of Status Register Events that may Affect the T and P StatusInterrupt Controller Reset Block DiagramMode OscillatorOscillator Modes Summary of Maximum Operating Speeds Crystal Oscillator/Ceramic ResonatorsXTALConditions Fxt max.MHzOscillator Type Frequency Mode C1pF C2pF External RC Oscillator ModeHXT LXTCode Option Register Word Code Option RegisterProtect PR2~PR0 are protect bits, protect type as followingExternal Power On Reset Circuit Power On ConsiderationsCustomer ID Register Word Bit 12~0 Customer’s ID codeResidue-Voltage Protection ResetInstruction Set DAA NOPContw SlepDJZ R Djza RRrca R RRC RAC Test Input/Output W aveform Timing DiagramSymbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit DC Electrical CharacteristicTa= 25 C, VDD= 5.0V±5%, VSS= Items RatingTa=- -40 C ~ 85 C, VDD=5V ±5%, VSS=0V AC Electrical CharacteristicSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Vih, Vil of TCC, /INT, /RESET Pin Device characteristicPort5, Port6 Port7 Voh vs. Ioh,VDD=5V Port5, Port6, and Port7 Voh vs. Ioh, VDD=3V Vol/Iol VDD=5V Vol/Iol VDD=3V Vol/Iol 100 Vol/Iol WDT Cext=100pF, Typical RC OSC Frequency Typical ICC1 and ICC2 vs. Temperature Maximum ICC1 and ICC2 vs. Temperature Typical ISB1 and ISB2 vs. Temperature Maximum ISB1 and ISB2 vs. Temperature EM78P447N HXT ImA Package Type Pin Count Package Size Lead plastic dual inline package(DIP)- 300 milLead plastic dual inline package(DIP)- 600 mil Lead plastic dual inline skinny package(DIP)- 300 mil838 27TYP EM78P447N