IBM DAS16AO manual Specifications, Accuracy, Analog input specifications

Page 19

Chapter 5


Typical for 25 °C unless otherwise specified.

Specifications in italic text are guaranteed by design.

Analog input

Table 1. Analog input specifications

A/D converter type



16 bits

Number of channels

16 single-ended / 8 differential, software selectable

Input ranges

±10 V, ±5 V, ±2.5 V, ±1.25 V, software programmable

A/D pacing


Internal counter - 82C54

(software programmable)


External source - A/D External Pacer, software programmable for rising or


falling edge





Software polled

A/D trigger sources

External edge trigger (A/D External Trigger)

A/D triggering modes

Rising or falling edge trigger - software selectable

A/D gate sources

A/D External Trigger, gate high or low, software selectable


A/D Pacer Gate, gate high

Burst mode

Software selectable option, burst rate = 100 kHz

Data transfer

From 4 k sample FIFO via REPINSW


Programmed I/O

A/D conversion time

5 µs max

Calibrated throughput

200 kHz single channel, 100 kHz multiple channel. Minimum


system requirement is Pentium II, 400 MHz.


Auto-calibration, calibration factors for each range stored on board in nonvolatile




Accuracies are listed for a 200 kHz sampling rate, single channel operation, a 60 minute warm-up, and operational temperatures within ±2 °C of internal calibration temperature. The calibrator test source high side is tied to Channel 0 In, and the low side tied to AGND.

Table 2. Absolute Accuracy specifications


±10.00 V

±5.000 V

±2.500 V

±1.250 V

Absolute accuracy

±5.0 LSB max

±5.0 LSB max

±5.0 LSB max

±5.0 LSB max

Each PC-CARD-DAS16/16AO is tested at the factory to assure the board’s overall error does not exceed accuracy limits described in Table 2.


Image 19
Contents Page PC-CARD-DAS16/16AO Management committed to your satisfaction Trademark and Copyright Information Table of Contents PC-CARD-DAS16/16AO Users Guide Conventions in this users guide Where to find more informationAbout this Users Guide What you will learn from this users guideChapter Overview PC-CARD-DAS16/16AO featuresPC-CARD-DAS16/16AO block diagram Introducing the PC-CARD-DAS16/16AOSoftware features Additional documentation Optional components Installing the PC-CARD-DAS16/16AOWhat comes with your PC-CARD-DAS16/16AO shipment? HardwareUnpacking the PC-CARD-DAS16/16AO Installing the software Installing the PC-CARD-DAS16/16AOIf your Pcmcia card is not detected Board connector, cables, and accessory equipment Connecting the board for I/O operationsConnectors, cables I/O connector Pin out I/O connectorCabling CPCC-50M-4 Calibrating the PC-CARD-DAS16/16AO Field wiring and signal terminationProgramming languages Packaged applications programs Programming and Developing ApplicationsRegister-level programming Triggering and transfer Analog input resolution and rangeFunctional Details Conversion speed and amplificationPacer clock Counter/pacer logic diagramAnalog input SpecificationsAnalog input specifications Absolute Accuracy specificationsNoise performance Channel to channel crosstalk specificationsNoise performance specifications CrosstalkAnalog output Interrupt DIO specificationsInterrupt specifications Digital input/outputCounter Power consumptionMiscellaneous Environmental Connector and pin outMechanical Channel Single-ended mode pin out USA Declaration of