Device Configuration Commands |
| Command Reference |
7.4.11Service VLAN Commands
This command display the Service VLAN information.
Syntax |
show |
<svcVlanName> - The name of Service VLAN which user want to display.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
Service VLAN name: This indicates the name of Service VLAN
VLAN ID: The VLAN Identifier of the Service VLAN. The range of the VLAN ID is from 1 to 4094.
Internal Ports: Internal interface, member of that Service VLAN.
Uplink Set Name: Specified the Uplink Set for the external connection.
External Ports: External interface, member of the specified Uplink Set. Commands
This command is used to create or destroy a Service VLAN.
Syntax |
<svcVlanName> - A string associated with Service VLAN as a convenience.
<uplinkSetName> - which uplink set to be the external connection for this service VLAN.
170 | Intelligent Blade Panel Module |