This installation guide explains how to install the "ETERNUSmgr for Linux" storage system man- agement software on an ETERNUS DX400 series, ETERNUS DX8000 series, ETERNUS2000, ETERNUS4000, ETERNUS8000, ETERNUS3000, or ETERNUS6000 (hereafter referred to as an "ETERNUS Disk storage system" or "device").
Follow the instructions in this guide to install "ETERNUSmgr for Linux".
Fourth Edition
October 2009
Content and Structure
This guide consists of the following two chapters and an appendix.
•Chapter 1 Installing ETERNUSmgr
This chapter describes how to install ETERNUSmgr.
•Chapter 2 Uninstalling ETERNUSmgr
This chapter describes how to uninstall ETERNUSmgr.
An appendix describes the "How to Set Up the Web Server", using the "apache" Web server as a typical example.
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Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
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