Default size: 8000, default lifetime: 1200, usage pattern: regular.
This cache contains the access control user context objects, a local cache for permissions assigned to a specific user. If possible all requests against access control are answered using this information so that access control methods can return very quickly. This cache scales with the number of active users. For fast portal operation, you should make sure that the entries for all actively working users fit into the cache, especially if a user has access to many portal resources. Entries are invalidated from the cache upon any portal administrative action. Creating a cache entry typically is rather cheap because most information is
Default size: 5000, default lifetime: 10143, usage pattern: regular.
This cache contains the resources protected by portal access control. The size of this cache scales with the number of protected resources accessed by the active users in the system. Entries are read from the cache during every permission call or entitlements call against access control. Entries are invalidated from this cache during resource deletion, resource relocation, modification of the resource state (private/shared), modification of the resource owner, externalization, internalization, and role block change. Creating a cache entry requires a
Default size: 5000, default lifetime: 10043, usage pattern: invalidation checking.
This cache maps resource owners (user groups or individual users) to the resources they own. This cache scales with the number of active users/groups multiplied with the different ResourceTypes they access. There is one entry in the cache per principal per resource type per WebSphere Portal domain. Data is read from this cache during many portal access control requests, if the corresponding entitlements are not already cached in an entitlements cache. Entries are invalidated from this cache during resource deletion, modification of the resource owner, externalization, and logout of the user. Creating a cache entry means executing a
Default size: 10000, default lifetime: 3630, usage pattern: invalidation checking.
This cache contains the role instances. The size of this cache scales with the number of active users/groups multiplied by the different ResourceTypes they access. There is one entry per role instance per principal per resource type per WebSphere Portal domain. Data is read from the cache during many portal access control requests, if the
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