IBM 6.1.X manual Performance Tuning Overview

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Tuning a WebSphere Portal environment involves tuning and configuring the various systems and components of the environment. This chapter discusses some general concepts and details the specifics of the configuration used in our measurement environments. These specifics entail:

￿Configuring the application server and the resources defined for that application server

￿Tuning the database(s) and database server

￿Tuning the directory server and its database

￿Tuning the web server and/or proxy server

￿Tuning the operating system and network

￿Tuning the WebSphere Portal services

When tuning your individual systems, it is important to begin with a baseline, monitor the performance metrics to determine if any parameters should be changed and, when a change is made, monitor the performance metrics to determine the effectiveness of the change.

In addition to the tuning changes we made in our measurement environments, there are some additional tuning options available which can improve performance in certain circumstances; these will be discussed in a separate section.


W E BS P HE R E P O R T AL V 6 . 1 T U N I N G G U I D E

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Contents IBM WebSphere Portal software family Your world. Your way IBM WebSphere PortalContents Web Server Tuning Portlet Caching General Information Figures About this Document Performance Tuning Overview Environment Considerations Base Portal Tuning How to get to Admin Console Application Server TuningInitial 1792 2048 ParameterLinux Solaris Windows 2003POWER5 Parameter Value Additional Information New Area Size Xmn320m Xmn256m Xmn768m Xmn1024mSession Minutes TimeoutWeb Container Thread pool Size Propagation Name ValueContext Pool Setting Default Value How to SetDefault Value Definition Used WebSphere Portal ServicesG I S T R Y S E R V I C E Cache Name Default Value Value UsedDatabase Database name Datasource name Database Tuning2 O N a I X S E T U P Db2 reorgchk update statistics on table all Db2 reorgchk current statistics on table all reorgchk.txt A C L E D a T a B a S E S E R V E R T U N I N G Parameter Value AIXTHREADSCOPE=SExecute Db2 update db config for idsldap using dbheap Directory Server TuningLinux Windows Additional Information Web Server TuningMinSpareThreads MaxSpareThreads Operating System Tuning N U T W O R K T U N I N G How-to-Setndd -set /dev/tcpPARAMETER Value L a R I S C O N T a I N E R Maxthreadtasks Required FixesJVM Initial and Maximum Heap Size WEB 2.0 Theme TuningNavigator Service Properties Parameter Setting UsedParameter Setting Used Additional Information Caching Proxy TuningInternet Explorer Support of Vary Header # set cache-control public for various static content # uncommented these to enable statics to be cachedExpiresActive On Portlet CachingDB2 Database Tuning Many Pages TuningRelease DB Parameter Cache Manager Service WEB Content Management Tuning Cache Name WebSphere Portal Service PropertiesWCM Object Cache JCR Text Search WCM Configuration ServiceDB2 Tuning Authoring Environment DB2 BP4 Cache Manager Service Properties Composite Applications TuningComposite Applications Best Practices BS P HE R E P O R T AL V 6 T U N I N G G U I D E Value true Cluster TuningHow-To Set ThreadLimit ServerLimit Parameter Setting Additional Details Session Persistence To Database TuningVertical Cluster Tuning IBM Tivoli Directory Server Tuning Improving Portal Startup Performance Other Performance Tuning OptionsManaging the Retrieval of User Attributes BS P HE R E P O R T AL V 6 T U N I N G G U I D E Use of Dynamic Content Features Real-World Network Considerations BrowserMatch Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html General Information Websphere Portal CachesBS P HE R E P O R T AL V 6 T U N I N G G U I D E BS P HE R E P O R T AL V 6 T U N I N G G U I D E Pattern invalidation checking Cache Usage PatternsCache Instances Portal Access Control Cache / Wsrp.cache.portlet.window Wsrp.cache.servicedescriptionWsrp.cache.portlet.instance Wsrp.cache.producer.userWp.te.transformationAssociationCache Wsrp.producer.portletpool.popsWsrp.producer.portletpool.ccps Wp.xml.configitemsPortletMenuCache RegistryServiceExample Scenarios BS P HE R E P O R T AL V 6 T U N I N G G U I D E R T a L S W I T H L O N G S E S S I O N T I M E O U T S BS P HE R E P O R T AL V 6 T U N I N G G U I D E WCM Cache Instances WEB Content Management CachesServices/cache/iwk/strategy WCM Item caching Services/cache/iwk/objectsummary WCM SummaryServices/cache/iwk/processing Advanced and Resour ces Services/cache/iwk/moduleServices/cache/iwk/session Session Services/cache/iwk/missed Missed Items Services/cache/iwk/menu MenuServices/cache/iwk/nav Navigator Services/cache/iwk/abspath Absolute pathServices/cache/iwk/draftSummary Draft Summary Services/cache/iwk/libparent Library ParentUser cache Appendix A. References Lee Backstrom, Document Coordinator Mark Alkins, ManagerBS P HE R E P O R T AL V 6 T U N I N G G U I D E