IBM 6.1.X, Wsrp.cache.portletdescription

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virtual portal, you will see one entry in the cache and only little traffic on the cache. Creating a new cache entry requires one database query. An entry into the cache is fairly small.

Default size: 120, default lifetime: 3600, usage pattern: regular.

This cache maps virtual portal IDs to their respective LPID. The LPID usually is used to create URLs for a specific virtual portal. Since the number of LPIDs is equal to the number of virtual portal IDs, the optimum size of this cache is the number of Virtual Portals defined in your environment. You may increase the life time for better performance if your setup of virtual portals changes infrequently. If you only use the default portal and no additional virtual portal, you will see one entry in the cache and only little traffic on the cache.

Default size: 120, default lifetime: 3600, usage pattern: regular.

This cache maps LPID values to virtual portal IDs. LPIDs are encoded in a URL that points to a certain virtual portal. Therefore the number of LPIDs is equal to the number of virtual portal IDs. Accordingly the optimum size of this cache is the number of virtual portals defined in your environment. You may increase the lifetime for better performance if your setup of virtual portals changes infrequently. If you only use the default portal and no additional virtual portal, you will see one entry in the cache and only little traffic on the cache.


All WSRP caches are only accessed if the portal is used as either a WSRP consumer or producer. Each of the caches is used on either side of the WSRP communication, but not on both sides. Most of the WSRP caches are used and read during every WSRP request, either displaying a page with a provided portlet on it, or administering WSRP properties. Exceptions to this general rule are noted below.


Default size: 500, default lifetime: 3600, usage pattern: regular.

This cache contains the portlet descriptions delivered by producers. These descriptions could be considered meta information on the provided portlets, like languages and descriptions. It is used on the producer side. The cache scales with the number of remote portlets provided by the producer. Increasing the default lifetime can improve performance if portlet descriptions of the provided portlets change infrequently. Rebuilding cache entries is rather expensive. It includes loading data from the database with several calls. The cached entries are rather expensive in terms of memory usage.

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W E BS P HE R E P O R T AL V 6 . 1 T U N I N G G U I D E

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Contents IBM WebSphere Portal IBM WebSphere Portal software family Your world. Your wayContents Web Server Tuning Portlet Caching General Information Figures About this Document Performance Tuning Overview Environment Considerations Base Portal Tuning Application Server Tuning How to get to Admin ConsoleParameter Linux Solaris Windows2003 Initial 1792 2048POWER5 New Area Size Xmn320m Xmn256m Xmn768m Xmn1024m Parameter Value Additional InformationWeb Container Thread pool Size TimeoutSession Minutes Name Value PropagationHow to Set Context Pool Setting Default ValueWebSphere Portal Services Default Value Definition UsedG I S T R Y S E R V I C E Default Value Value Used Cache NameDatabase Tuning Database Database name Datasource name2 O N a I X S E T U P Db2 reorgchk update statistics on table all Db2 reorgchk current statistics on table all reorgchk.txt A C L E D a T a B a S E S E R V E R T U N I N G AIXTHREADSCOPE=S Parameter ValueExecute Directory Server Tuning Db2 update db config for idsldap using dbheapWeb Server Tuning Linux Windows Additional InformationMinSpareThreads MaxSpareThreads Operating System Tuning N U T W O R K T U N I N G How-to-Setndd -set /dev/tcpPARAMETER Value L a R I S C O N T a I N E R Required Fixes MaxthreadtasksWEB 2.0 Theme Tuning Navigator Service PropertiesParameter Setting Used JVM Initial and Maximum Heap SizeInternet Explorer Support of Vary Header Caching Proxy TuningParameter Setting Used Additional Information # uncommented these to enable statics to be cached # set cache-control public for various static contentPortlet Caching ExpiresActive OnRelease DB Parameter Many Pages TuningDB2 Database Tuning Cache Manager Service WEB Content Management Tuning WebSphere Portal Service Properties Cache NameWCM Object Cache WCM Configuration Service JCR Text SearchDB2 Tuning Authoring Environment DB2 BP4 Composite Applications Tuning Cache Manager Service PropertiesComposite Applications Best Practices BS P HE R E P O R T AL V 6 T U N I N G G U I D E Cluster Tuning Value trueHow-To Set ThreadLimit ServerLimit Session Persistence To Database Tuning Parameter Setting Additional DetailsVertical Cluster Tuning IBM Tivoli Directory Server Tuning Other Performance Tuning Options Improving Portal Startup PerformanceManaging the Retrieval of User Attributes BS P HE R E P O R T AL V 6 T U N I N G G U I D E Use of Dynamic Content Features Real-World Network Considerations BrowserMatch Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html Websphere Portal Caches General InformationBS P HE R E P O R T AL V 6 T U N I N G G U I D E BS P HE R E P O R T AL V 6 T U N I N G G U I D E Cache Usage Patterns Pattern invalidation checkingCache Instances Portal Access Control Cache Hierarchy / Wps.mappingurl.LookupCacheWsrp.cache.portletdescription Wsrp.cache.servicedescription Wsrp.cache.portlet.instanceWsrp.cache.producer.user Wsrp.cache.portlet.windowWsrp.producer.portletpool.pops Wsrp.producer.portletpool.ccpsProcessintegration.PendingTasksCache PortletMenuCache RegistryService Scenarios BS P HE R E P O R T AL V 6 T U N I N G G U I D E R T a L S W I T H L O N G S E S S I O N T I M E O U T S BS P HE R E P O R T AL V 6 T U N I N G G U I D E WEB Content Management Caches Services/cache/iwk/strategy WCM Item cachingServices/cache/iwk/objectsummary WCM Summary WCM Cache InstancesServices/cache/iwk/session Session Services/cache/iwk/moduleServices/cache/iwk/processing Advanced and Resour ces Services/cache/iwk/menu Menu Services/cache/iwk/nav NavigatorServices/cache/iwk/abspath Absolute path Services/cache/iwk/missed Missed ItemsUser cache Services/cache/iwk/libparent Library ParentServices/cache/iwk/draftSummary Draft Summary Appendix A. References Mark Alkins, Manager Lee Backstrom, Document CoordinatorBS P HE R E P O R T AL V 6 T U N I N G G U I D E