Default size: 50, default lifetime: infinite, usage pattern: regular.
This cache is the administration cache for URL mappings. The details given for the other isolated caches also apply here.
Default size: 50, default lifetime: infinite, usage pattern: regular.
This cache contains
Default size: 1000, default lifetime: infinite, usage pattern: regular.
This cache contains the administrative models for several portal resource types. Typically this cache is empty and not used, because administration on those resource types is a rare event. There is one entry for every user doing administration on any of the resource types that are stored in the cache. The creation behavior and size are similar to the
Default size: 2, default lifetime: infinite.
This cache is not used in WebSphere Portal V6.0 and hence disabled. Changing any of its properties does not have any effect.
Default size: 2, default lifetime: infinite.
This cache is not used WebSphere Portal V6.0 and hence disabled. Changing any of its properties does not have any effect.
Default size: 4, default lifetime: 600.
This cache is not used WebSphere Portal V6.0 and hence disabled. Changing any of its properties does not have any effect.
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