Cisco Systems Cisco 7000, Cisco 7507 installation instructions Electric Shock Warning

Page 31

Translated Safety Warnings

Attention Avant de travailler sur un châssis ou à proximité d'une alimentation électrique, débrancher le cordon d'alimentation des unités en courant alternatif ; couper l'alimentation des unités en courant continu au niveau du disjoncteur.

Warnung Bevor Sie an einem Chassis oder in der Nähe von Netzgeräten arbeiten, ziehen Sie bei Wechselstromeinheiten das Netzkabel ab bzw. schalten Sie bei Gleichstromeinheiten den Strom am Unterbrecher ab.

Avvertenza Prima di lavorare su un telaio o intorno ad alimentatori, scollegare il cavo di alimentazione sulle unità CA; scollegare l'alimentazione all’interruttore automatico sulle unità CC.

Advarsel Før det utføres arbeid på kabinettet eller det arbeides i nærheten av str¿mforsyningsenheter, skal str¿mledningen trekkes ut pŒ vekselstrømsenheter og strømmen kobles fra ved strømbryteren på likestrømsenheter.

Aviso Antes de trabalhar num chassis, ou antes de trabalhar perto de unidades de fornecimento de energia, desligue o cabo de alimentação nas unidades de corrente alternada; desligue a corrente no disjuntor nas unidades de corrente contínua.

¡Advertencia! Antes de manipular el chasis de un equipo o trabajar cerca de una fuente de alimentación, desenchufar el cable de alimentación en los equipos de corriente alterna (CA); cortar la alimentación desde el interruptor automático en los equipos de corriente continua (CC).

Varning! Innan du arbetar med ett chassi eller nära strömförsörjningsenheter skall du för växelströmsenheter dra ur nätsladden och för likströmsenheter bryta strömmen vid överspänningsskyddet.

Electric Shock Warning

Warning This unit might have more than one power cord. To reduce the risk of electric shock, disconnect the two power supply cords before servicing the unit.

Waarschuwing Dit toestel kan meer dan één netsnoer hebben. Om het risico van een elektrische schok te verminderen, dient u de stekkers van de twee netsnoeren uit het stopcontact te halen voordat u het toestel een servicebeurt geeft.

Varoitus Tässä laitteessa saattaa olla useampi kuin yksi virtajohto. Irrota molemmat virtalähteestä tulevat johtimet ennen laitteen huoltamista, jotta vältät sähköiskun vaaran.

Attention Il est possible que cette unité soit munie de plusieurs cordons d'alimentation. Pour éviter les risques d'électrocution, débrancher les deux cordons d'alimentation avant de réparer l'unité.

Warnung Diese Einheit hat möglicherweise mehr als ein Netzkabel. Zur Verringerung der

Stromschlaggefahr trennen Sie beide Netzgerätekabel ab, bevor Sie die Einheit warten.

Avvertenza Questa unità potrebbe essere dotata di più di un cavo di alimentazione. Per ridurre il rischio di scossa elettrica, scollegare i due cavi di alimentazione prima di procedere alla manutenzione dell’unità.

Advarsel Denne enheten kan være utstyrt med mer enn én strømledning. Koble fra de to strømledningene før det utføres reparasjonsarbeid på enheten for å redusere faren for elektriske støt.

Aviso Esta unidade poderá ter mais do que um cabo de alimentação. Para reduzir o risco de choque eléctrico, desligue os dois cabos de alimentação antes de efectuar reparações na unidade.

Cisco 7000 and Cisco 7507 Rack-Mount Kit Installation Instructions 31

Image 31
Contents Doc. No Equipment Rack Descriptions Rack-Mount Kit OverviewMounting Kit Hardware Rack-Mount Installation SummaryShows the components in this mounting kit Typical Center-Mount Installation Shows a typical flush-mount installation Prerequisites Working with Electrical Equipment Safety GuidelinesLifting the Chassis Safely Lifting Safely Safety with Electricity Equipment Rack Considerations Power Supply Safety Interlocks-AC-Input Power Supply ShownRack Stability Power supply/interface processor endPlastic front panel end Chassis Center of Gravity for Flush-Mount Configurations Rack Ventilation Rack Dimensions and Site LayoutList of Parts and Tools Parts ListTools Required Installing the Brackets InstallationMounting the Brackets to the Rack Posts Installing a Bracket on a Rack Post-Left Bracket ShownSecuring the Spanner Bars Positioning and Fastening a Spanner Bar Attaching the Chassis Ears Installing the Ears on the ChassisRemoving Power Supplies and Interface Cables Installing the Chassis in the RackMoving the Chassis into the Rack Handling a Power Supply AC-Input Power Supply ShownChassis Foot Underside of chassisSliding the Chassis into the Rack Checking Electrical IsolationReplacing Power Supplies and Interface Cables Restarting the System Router name Prepared by Location Date Slot Circle one Chassis serial number Slot Circle one Router name Prepared by Location Date RSP2Power Supply Warning Power Disconnection WarningPower Supply Disconnection Warning Electric Shock Warning Chassis Lifting Warning DC Power Disconnection Warning Lightning Activity Warning Chassis Warning-Rack-Mounting and Servicing Translated Safety Warnings Ramp Warning Cisco Information Online