Cisco Systems SRW248G4P manual Norsk Norwegian Miljøinformasjon for kunder i EU

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Appendix D

Warranty and Regulatory Information

Malti (Maltese) - Informazzjoni Ambjentali għal Klijenti fl-Unjoni Ewropea

Id-Direttiva Ewropea 2002/96/KE titlob li t-tagħmir li jkun fih

is-simbolu fuq il-prodott u/jew fuq l-ippakkjar ma jistax jintrema ma’ skart muniċipali li ma ġiex isseparat.. Is-simbolu jindika li dan il-prodott għandu jintrema separatament minn ma’ l-iskart domestiku regolari.. Hija responsabbiltà tiegħek li tarmi dan it-tagħmir u kull tagħmir ieħor ta’ l-elettriku u elettroniku permezz ta’ faċilitajiet ta’ ġbir appuntati apposta mill-gvern jew mill-awtoritajiet lokali.. Ir-rimi b’mod korrett u r-riċiklaġġ jgħin jipprevjeni konsegwenzi negattivi potenzjali għall-ambjent u għas-saħħa tal-bniedem.. Għal aktar informazzjoni dettaljata dwar ir-rimi tat-tagħmir antik tiegħek, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lill-awtoritajiet lokali tiegħek, is-servizzi għar-rimi ta’ l-iskart, jew il-ħanut minn fejn xtrajt il-prodott..

Magyar (Hungarian) - Környezetvédelmi információ az európai uniós vásárlók számára

A 2002/96/EC számú európai uniós irányelv megkívánja, hogy azokat a termékeket, amelyeken, és/vagy amelyek

csomagolásán az alábbi címke megjelenik, tilos a többi szelektálatlan lakossági hulladékkal együtt kidobni.. A címke azt jelöli, hogy az adott termék kidobásakor a szokványos háztartási hulladékelszállítási rendszerektõl elkülönített eljárást kell alkalmazni.. Az Ön felelõssége, hogy ezt, és más elektromos és elektronikus berendezéseit a kormányzati vagy a helyi hatóságok által kijelölt gyűjtõredszereken keresztül számolja fel.. A megfelelõ hulladékfeldolgozás segít a környezetre és az emberi egészségre potenciálisan ártalmas negatív hatások megelõzésében.. Ha elavult berendezéseinek felszámolásához további részletes információra van szüksége, kérjük, lépjen kapcsolatba a helyi hatóságokkal, a hulladékfeldolgozási szolgálattal, vagy azzal üzlettel, ahol a terméket vásárolta..

Nederlands (Dutch) - Milieu-informatie voor klanten in de Europese Unie

De Europese Richtlijn 2002/96/EC schrijft voor dat apparatuur

die is voorzien van dit symbool op het product of de verpakking, niet mag worden ingezameld met niet-gescheiden huishoudelijk afval.. Dit symbool geeft aan dat het product apart moet worden ingezameld.. U bent zelf verantwoordelijk voor de vernietiging van deze en andere elektrische en elektronische apparatuur via de daarvoor door de landelijke of plaatselijke overheid aangewezen inzamelingskanalen..

De juiste vernietiging en recycling van deze apparatuur voorkomt mogelijke negatieve gevolgen voor het milieu en de gezondheid.. Voor meer informatie over het vernietigen van uw oude apparatuur neemt u contact op met de plaatselijke autoriteiten of afvalverwerkingsdienst, of met de winkel waar u het product hebt aangeschaft..

Norsk (Norwegian) - Miljøinformasjon for kunder i EU

EU-direktiv 2002/96/EF krever at utstyr med følgende symbol

avbildet på produktet og/eller pakningen, ikke må kastes sammen med usortert avfall.. Symbolet indikerer at dette produktet skal håndteres atskilt fra ordinær avfallsinnsamling for husholdningsavfall.. Det er ditt ansvar å kvitte deg med dette produktet og annet elektrisk og elektronisk avfall via egne innsamlingsordninger slik myndighetene eller kommunene bestemmer.. Korrekt avfallshåndtering og gjenvinning vil være med på å forhindre mulige negative konsekvenser for miljø og helse.. For nærmere informasjon om håndtering av det kasserte utstyret ditt, kan du ta kontakt med kommunen, en innsamlingsstasjon for avfall eller butikken der du kjøpte produktet..

Polski (Polish) - Informacja dla klientów w Unii Europejskiej o przepisach dotyczących ochrony środowiska

Dyrektywa Europejska 2002/96/EC wymaga, aby sprzęt

oznaczony symbolem znajdującym się na produkcie i/lub jego opakowaniu nie był wyrzucany razem z innymi niesortowanymi odpadami komunalnymi.. Symbol ten wskazuje, że produkt nie powinien być usuwany razem ze zwykłymi odpadami z gospodarstw domowych.. Na Państwu spoczywa obowiązek wyrzucania tego i innych urządzeń elektrycznych oraz elektronicznych w punktach odbioru wyznaczonych przez władze krajowe lub lokalne.. Pozbywanie się sprzętu we właściwy sposób i jego recykling pomogą zapobiec potencjalnie negatywnym konsekwencjom dla środowiska i zdrowia ludzkiego.. W celu uzyskania szczegółowych informacji o usuwaniu starego sprzętu, prosimy zwrócić się do lokalnych władz, służb oczyszczania miasta lub sklepu, w którym produkt został nabyty..

Português (Portuguese) - Informação ambiental para clientes da União Europeia

A Directiva Europeia 2002/96/CE exige que o equipamento que

exibe este símbolo no produto e/ou na sua embalagem não seja eliminado junto com os resíduos municipais não separados.. O símbolo indica que este produto deve ser eliminado separadamente dos resíduos domésticos regulares..

Éda sua responsabilidade eliminar este e qualquer outro equipamento eléctrico e electrónico através dos instalações de recolha designadas pelas autoridades governamentais ou locais.. A eliminação e reciclagem correctas ajudarão a prevenir as consequências negativas para o ambiente e para a saúde humana.. Para obter informações mais detalhadas sobre a forma de eliminar o seu equipamento antigo, contacte as autoridades locais, os serviços de eliminação de resíduos ou o estabelecimento comercial onde adquiriu o produto..

48-Port 10/100 + 4-Port Gigabit Switch with WebView and Power over Ethernet


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Contents User Guide Table of Contents ACL Appendix E Contact Information Appendix a About Gigabit Ethernet and Fiber Optic CablingOnline Resources About This GuideIcon Descriptions Copyright and TrademarksChapter Chapter IntroductionChapter Product Overview Front PanelBack Panel Side PanelPlacement Options Pre-Installation ConsiderationsOverview Desktop Placement Hardware InstallationUplinking the Switch Rack-Mount PlacementChapter Configuration Using Console Interface Configuring the HyperTerminal ApplicationSystem Configuration Menu LoginSwitch Main Menu System ConfigurationManagement Settings User & Password SettingsIP Configuration IP Address SettingsReboot System Restore System Default SettingsFile Management Port Status Port ConfigurationPoE Configuration Back to Main MenuPort PoE Status System PoE ConfigurationPort PoE Configuration LogoutSetup Summary SetupDevice Information PoE Information Setup Network SettingsSystem Information IdentificationSetup Time Set TimeEdit Port Settings Port Management Port SettingsPort Management Port Management Link Aggregation Port Broadcast ControlPort Setting Port Management PoE Power SettingsGlobal Setting Port Management LacpVlan Management Create Vlan Vlan Management Port SettingsVlan Management Create VlanVlan Management Ports to Vlan Vlan Management Vlan to PortsStatistics Rmon Statistics StatisticsStatistics Rmon History Statistics Rmon Alarms Statistics Rmon EventsStatistics Port Utilization Statistics 802.1x StatisticsACL IP based ACL ACL MAC based ACLSecurity Security Authentication ServersRadius Server Setting Security ACL BindingSecurity 802.1x Settings Tacacs Server SettingSecurity Ports Security Security Https Settings Security Management ACLSecurity SSH Settings Security SSH Host-Key SettingsQoS QoS CoS SettingsCoS to Queue Queue Settings QoS Queue SettingsQoS Dscp Settings Port to CoSQoS DiffServ Settings Class MapPolicy Map QoS DiffServ Port Binding Spanning TreeQoS Bandwidth Spanning Tree STP Status Spanning Tree Global STPSpanning Tree STP Port Settings Spanning Tree STP Port Settings STP Port Setting Detail Spanning Tree Rstp Port Settings Spanning Tree Mstp Instance Settings Spanning Tree Mstp PropertiesSpanning Tree Mstp Interface Settings Multicast Multicast Global Settings Multicast Static Member PortsMulticast Member Ports Query Multicast Static Router PortsMulticast Router Ports Query Snmp Global Parameters Snmp Views Snmp Group ProfileSnmp Communities User AuthenticationSnmp Group Membership Data PrivacySnmp Notification Recipient AdminAdmin User Authentication SNMPv1,2Address Aging Admin Forwarding DatabaseStatic Address Setting Dynamic Address QuerySystem Logging Admin LogSyslog Admin Port Mirroring Smtp SettingAdmin Ping Admin Cable TestAdmin Save Configuration Admin Firmware Upgrade Admin Jumbo FrameAdmin Http Upgrade Admin Reboot Admin Factory DefaultGigabit Ethernet Appendix a About Gigabit Ethernet Fiber Optic CablingFiber Optic Cabling Appendix B Appendix B GlossaryGlossary Smtp Simple Mail Transfer Protocol The standard e Appendix B Appendix C Specifications Appendix CSpecifications Appendix D Warranty and Regulatory Information Limited WarrantyIndustry Canada Canada Safety NoticesFCC Statement IC StatementDansk Danish Miljøinformation for kunder i EU La Directiva 2002/96/CE de la UE exige que los equipos que Norsk Norwegian Miljøinformasjon for kunder i EU WEB For additional information, please visit Appendix E

SRW248G4P specifications

Cisco Systems SRW248G4P is a high-performance Layer 2 switch designed specifically for small to medium-sized businesses that require robust networking solutions. This switch supports Power over Ethernet (PoE), providing a highly flexible option for powering devices such as IP phones, wireless access points, and surveillance cameras.

One of the standout features of the SRW248G4P is its 48 10/100 Ethernet ports, which ensure ample connectivity for various networked devices. Additionally, it offers four Gigabit Ethernet uplink ports, allowing for seamless integration with existing network infrastructure and facilitating high-speed data transfer. The combination of these ports enables businesses to expand their network capabilities as needed without the immediate requirement for added devices.

The SRW248G4P comes equipped with advanced Layer 2 switching capabilities, including VLAN support, which enables the segmentation of network traffic for improved performance and security. It also supports Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), which help prevent network loops and ensure redundancy. With features like Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), multiple physical connections can be combined into a single logical link, enhancing bandwidth and providing failover capabilities.

Another critical attribute of the Cisco SRW248G4P is its user-friendly management interface. The switch can be managed through a web-based interface, allowing IT administrators to configure settings, monitor performance, and troubleshoot issues with ease. Additionally, it supports SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) for integration with network management systems, further simplifying monitoring tasks.

Power over Ethernet functionality is a significant advantage of the SRW248G4P, providing up to 15.4 watts per port. This capability simplifies installation and reduces the clutter of power cords and outlets. Organizations can deploy PoE-enabled devices in locations that lack power sources, thus enhancing overall flexibility in network design.

In summary, the Cisco Systems SRW248G4P is a feature-rich switch tailored for small to medium-sized enterprises. Its blend of performance, management capabilities, and advanced features like PoE makes it a valuable asset in any organization's networking setup. By ensuring reliable connectivity and ease of management, businesses can focus more on growth and their core objectives rather than worrying about network complexities.