Cisco Systems ONS 15327 manual Procedure Test the Terminal Loopback Circuit

Page 54

Chapter 1 General Troubleshooting

Identify Points of Failure on an OC-N Circuit Path

Step 3 Confirm that the newly created circuit appears on the Circuits tab list as a two-way circuit.

Note It is normal for a LPBKTERMINAL condition to appear during a loopback setup. The condition clears when you remove the loopback.

Step 4 Create the terminal loopback on the destination port being tested:

a.In node view, double-click the card that requires the loopback, such as the destination OC-N card in the source node.

b.Click the Maintenance > Loopback tabs.

c.Select OOS_MT from the State column. If this is a multiport card, select the row appropriate for the desired port.

d.Select Terminal (Inward) from the Loopback Type column. If this is a multiport card, select the row appropriate for the desired port.

e.Click the Apply button.

f.Click the Yes button in the Confirmation Dialog box.

Step 5 Proceed to the “Test the Terminal Loopback Circuit” procedure on page 1-28.

Procedure: Test the Terminal Loopback Circuit

Step 1 If the test set is not already sending traffic, send test traffic on the loopback circuit.

Step 2 Examine the test traffic being received by the test set. Look for errors or any other signal information that the test set is capable of indicating.

Step 3 If the test set indicates a good circuit, no further testing is necessary on the loopback circuit:

a.Clear the terminal loopback:

Double-click the OC-N card in the source node with the terminal loopback.

Click the Maintenance > Loopback tabs.

Select None from the Loopback Type column for the port being tested.

Select the appropriate state (IS, OOS, or OOS_AINS) in the State column for the port being tested.

Click the Apply button.

Click the Yes button in the Confirmation Dialog box.

b.Clear the terminal loopback circuit:

Click the Circuits tab.

Choose the loopback circuit being tested.

Click the Delete button.

Click the Yes button in the Delete Circuits dialog box.

c.Proceed to the “Perform a Facility Loopback on an Intermediate-NodeOC-N Port” procedure on page 1-29.

Cisco ONS 15327 Troubleshooting Guide, R3.4


April 2003



Image 54
Contents Cisco ONS 15327 Troubleshooting Guide Cisco ONS 15327 Troubleshooting Guide N T E N T S IiiTest the Facility Loopback Circuit Test the OC-N Card Browser Stalls When Downloading CTC JAR Files from XTC Isolate the Cause of Power Supply Problems AIS ViiClear the AUTOSW-SDBER Condition ViiiClear the E-W-MISMATCH Alarm with a Physical Switch EXERCISE-RING-REQ2-53 EXERCISE-SPAN-REQ Frcdswtothird Xii LOF BitsClear the Lpbkterminal G-Series Condition Xiii148 SD Xiv189 WTR Identify a Ring ID or Node ID Number XviConfiguring Vlan Membership for Individual Ethernet Ports Xviii FiguresJRE Compatibility Alarm Index by Alarm Type Related Documentation Document ObjectivesAudience XxiDocument Conventions BoldfaceXxii Where to Find Safety and Warning InformationObtaining Documentation Documentation CD-ROMDocumentation Feedback Obtaining Technical AssistanceOrdering Documentation XxivTechnical Assistance Center Cisco TAC WebsiteXxv Obtaining Additional Publications and Information Cisco TAC Escalation CenterXxvi General Troubleshooting Network Troubleshooting Tests Facility Loopback Process on an XTC CardTerminal Loopback Process on an OC-N Card Identify Points of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Path Cross-Connect Loopback Process on an OC-N PortClick the Maintenance Loopback tabs Perform a Facility Loopback on a Source XTC PortProcedure Test the Facility Loopback Procedure Test the DS-N CablingProcedure Test the XTC Card Procedure Test the MIC CablingProcedure Test the MIC Card Perform a Hairpin on a Source Node XTC PortProcedure Create the Hairpin on the Source Node Port Procedure Test the Hairpin CircuitProcedure Test the Alternate Source XTC Card SBY LEDProcedure Retest the Original Source XTC Card Perform a Terminal Loopback on a Destination XTC PortTerminal Loopback on a Destination XTC Port Click the Maintenance Loopback tabs Procedure Test the Destination XTC Card Perform a Hairpin on a Destination Node XTC Port10 Hairpin on a Destination Node XTC Card Procedure Test the Alternate Destination XTC Card Procedure Retest the Original Destination XTC Card Perform a Facility Loopback on a Destination XTC Card 11 Facility Loopback on a Destination XTC CardProcedure Test the Facility Loopback Circuit Procedure Test the XTC Card Identify Points of Failure on an OC-N Circuit Path Perform a Facility Loopback on a Source-Node OC-N Port12 Facility Loopback on a Circuit Source OC-N Port Procedure Test the OC-N Card Perform a Cross-Connect Loopback on the Source OC-N PortProcedure Test the Cross-Connect Loopback Circuit 13 Cross-Connect Loopback on a Source OC-N PortProcedure Test the Standby XTC Card Proceed to the Retest the Original XTC Card procedure onProcedure Retest the Original XTC Card Perform a Terminal Loopback on a Source-Node OC-N Port 14 Terminal Loopback on a Source-Node OC-N PortProcedure Test the Terminal Loopback Circuit Procedure Test the OC-N Card 15 Facility Loopback on an Intermediate-Node OC-N Port Procedure Test the Facility Loopback Circuit Procedure Test the OC-N Card 16 Terminal Loopback on an Intermediate-Node OC-N Port Procedure Test the Terminal Loopback Circuit Perform a Facility Loopback on a Destination-Node OC-N Port 17 Facility Loopback on a Destination Node OC-N PortConnect an optical test set to the port you are testing Procedure Test the Facility Loopback Circuit Perform a Terminal Loopback on a Destination Node OC-N Port 18 Terminal Loopback on a Destination Node OC-N PortConnect an optical test set to the port you are testing Procedure Test the Terminal Loopback Circuit Restoring the Database and Default Settings Restore the Node DatabaseProcedure Restore the Database Click Restore Restore the Node to Factory Configuration Upload Software Unix procedure onConfirmation dialog box opens -20. Click Yes 20 Confirm NE Restoration 21 Reinitialization Tool in Unix PC Connectivity Troubleshooting Unable to Verify the IP Configuration of Your PCProcedure Verify the IP Configuration of Your PC Browser Login Does Not Launch Java Procedure Reconfigure the BrowserJRE 1.3 in C\ProgramFiles\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.102 Unable to Verify the NIC Connection on Your PC Procedure Ping the ONS Verify PC Connection to the ONS 15327 PingProcedure Retrieve Unknown Node IP Address IP Address of the Node is UnknownCTC Operation Troubleshooting Unable to Launch CTC Help After Removing NetscapeUnable to Change Node View to Network View Procedure Reset the Ctcheap Environment Variable for Windows Uncheck the Enable Internet download scanning check box Browser Stalls When Downloading CTC JAR Files from XTCProcedure Disable the VirusScan Download Scan CTC Does Not LaunchProcedure Delete the CTC Cache File Automatically Sluggish CTC Operation or Login ProblemsProcedure Redirect the Netscape Cache to a Valid Directory Choose PreferencesProcedure Delete the CTC Cache File Manually 22 Deleting the CTC CacheNode Icon is Gray on CTC Network View CTC Cannot Launch Due to Applet Security RestrictionsProcedure Manually Edit the java.policy File Java Runtime Environment IncompatibleProcedure Launch CTC to Correct the Core Version Build Different CTC Releases Do Not Recognize Each OtherUsername or Password Does Not Match the XTC Information See the Verify Correct Username and Password procedure onNo IP Connectivity Exists Between Nodes Path in Use Error When Creating a CircuitProcedure Verify Correct Username and Password DCC Connection LostProcedure Cancel the Circuit Creation and Start Over Calculate and Design IP SubnetsEthernet Connections Procedure Verify Ethernet Connections Possible Problem SolutionVlan Cannot Connect to Network Device from Untag Port 24 Vlan with Ethernet Ports at Tagged and UntagProcedure Change Vlan Port Tag and Untagged Settings Click the Provisioning Vlan tabs FigureCircuits and Timing Circuit Transitions to Partial StateProcedure View the State of Circuit Nodes Procedure Clear AIS-V on XTC-28-3 Unused VT CircuitsAIS-V on XTC-28-3 Unused VT Circuits Circuit Creation Error with VT1.5 Circuit 4 DS3 Card Does Not Report AIS-P From External EquipmentClick Circuits ONS 15327 Switches Timing Reference 5 OC-3 and DCC LimitationsHoldover Synchronization Alarm Free-Running Synchronization ModeDaisy-Chained Bits Not Functioning Blinking Stat LED after Installing a Card Bit Errors Appear for a Traffic CardFiber and Cabling Faulty Fiber-Optic Connections Procedure Verify Fiber-Optic ConnectionsGeneral Troubleshooting Fiber and Cabling Crimp Replacement LAN Cables 26 RJ-45 Pin NumbersPin Color Pair Name Replace Faulty SFP Connectors Procedure Remove SFP ConnectorsProcedure Install SFP Connectors Optical Card Transmit and Receive Levels Optical Card Receive TransmitPower and LED Tests Power Supply ProblemsPower Consumption for Node and Cards Procedure Isolate the Cause of Power Supply ProblemsProcedure Verify Card LED Operation Click the Maintenance Diagnostic tabs Click Lamp TestLamp Test for Card LEDs Alarm Index by Default Severity Critical Alarms CRMajor Alarms MJ Minor Alarms MNConditions NA or NR Alarms and Conditions Indexed By Alphabetical Entry Lpbkterminal DS-N,OC-N Alarm Index by Alarm Type Cisco ONS 15327 Troubleshooting Guide, R3.4 March Alarm Index by Alarm Type Alarm Index by Alarm Type Alarm Index by Alarm Type Alarm Index by Alarm Type Alarm Index by Alarm Type Alarm Type/Object Definition EqptTrouble Notifications ConditionsSeverities Safety Summary Alarm Procedures1 AIS Procedure Clear the AIS ConditionProcedure Clear the AIS-L Condition AIS-LAIS-P Procedure Clear the AIS-P ConditionProcedure Clear the AIS-V Condition AIS-VProcedure Clear the Apsb Alarm ApsbApscdfltk Procedure Clear the Apscdfltk Alarm APSC-IMPProcedure Clear the APSC-IMP Alarm Procedure Clear the Apscincon AlarmApscincon Apscm Procedure Clear the Apscm AlarmProcedure Clear the Apscnmis Alarm ApscnmisProcedure Clear the Apsmm Alarm ApsmmClick the Provisioning Protection tabs Node view, click the Provisioning Alarm Behavior tabs Procedure Clear the AS-CMD ConditionClick the Provisioning Alarm Behavior tabs AS-CMDAUD-LOG-LOSS Procedure Clear the AS-MT ConditionProcedure Clear the AUD-LOG-LOSS Condition AUD-LOG-LOWProcedure Clear the AUTOSW-AIS Condition AutoresetProcedure Clear the Autoreset Alarm AUTOSW-AISAUTOSW-LOP Stsmon AUTOSW-LOP VtmonAUTOSW-PDI AUTOSW-SDBER AUTOSW-SFBERAUTOSW-UNEQ Stsmon AUTOSW-UNEQ Vtmon BAT-A-HGH-VLTBAT-A-LOW-VLT BAT-B-HGH-VLT Procedure Clear the BAT-B-HGH-VLT ConditionProcedure Clear the BAT-B-LOW-VLT Condition BAT-B-LOW-VLTProcedure Clear the Bkupmemp Alarm Procedure Clear the Blsrosync AlarmBlsrosync Procedure Clear the Carloss Eqpt Alarm Carloss EqptProcedure Clear the Carloss E-Series Alarm Carloss E SeriesCarloss G Series Procedure Clear the Carloss G Series Alarm Click the Conditions tab and the Retrieve Conditions button Procedure Clear the Cldrestart Condition CldrestartComioxc Procedure Clear the Comioxc AlarmProcedure Clear the CONTBUS-A-18 Alarm CONTBUS-A-18Procedure Clear the CONTBUS-B-18 Alarm CONTBUS-B-18CONTBUS-IO-A Procedure Clear the CONTBUS-IO-A Alarm Procedure Clear the CONTBUS-IO-B Alarm CONTBUS-IO-BCTNEQPT-PBPROT Procedure Clear the CTNEQPT-PBPROT Alarm Procedure Clear the CTNEQPT-PBWORK Alarm CTNEQPT-PBWORKProcedure Clear the Dataflt Alarm DatafltProcedure Clear the Dbosync Alarm Dbosync44 DS3-MISM EHIBATVG-A Procedure Clear the DS3-MISM ConditionProcedure Clear the EHIBATVG-A Alarm EHIBATVG-BProcedure Clear the ELWBATVG-B Alarm Procedure Clear the EHIBATVG-B AlarmProcedure Clear the ELWBATVG-A Alarm ELWBATVG-AProcedure Clear the EOC Alarm 49 EOCClick the Provisioning Line tabs Click the Provisioning Sonet DCC tabs Procedure Clear the Eqpt Alarm EqptProcedure Clear the EQPT-MISS Alarm EQPT-MISSW-MISMATCH Node view, click View Go to Network View Procedure Clear the E-W-MISMATCH Alarm in CTCClick the Maintenance Blsr tabs Click View Go to Network ViewEXERCISE-RING-REQ Procedure Clear the Exccol AlarmExccol EXERCISE-SPAN-REQ56 EXT Procedure Clear the EXT AlarmProcedure Clear the EXTRA-TRAF-PREEMPT Alarm EXTRA-TRAF-PREEMPTProcedure Clear the Failtosw Condition FAILTOSW-PATHFailtoswr Click the Provisioning Line tabs Procedure Clear the Failtosws Condition Failtosws62 FAN Procedure Clear the FE-AIS Condition Procedure Clear the FAN AlarmProcedure Clear the Fandegrade Alarm FandegradeFE-DS1-MULTLOS Procedure Clear the FE-DS1-MULTLOS ConditionProcedure Clear the FE-DS1-NSA Condition FE-DS1-NSAFE-DS1-SA Procedure Clear the FE-DS1-SA ConditionProcedure Clear the FE-DS1-SNGLLOS Condition FE-DS1-SNGLLOSFE-DS3-NSA Procedure Clear the FE-DS3-NSA ConditionProcedure Clear the FE-DS3-SA Condition FE-DS3-SAFE-EXERCISING-RING Procedure Clear the FE-EQPT-NSA ConditionFE-EQPT-NSA FE-EXERCISING-SPANFE-FRCDWKSWPR-RING Procedure Clear the FE-FRCDWKSWPR-RING ConditionProcedure Clear the FE-FRCDWKSWPR-SPAN Condition FE-FRCDWKSWPR-SPANFE-IDLE Procedure Clear the FE-IDLE ConditionProcedure Clear the FE-LOCKOUTOFPR-SPAN Condition FE-LOCKOUTOFPR-SPANFE-LOF Procedure Clear the FE-LOF ConditionProcedure Clear the FE-LOS Condition FE-LOSFE-MANWKSWPR-RING Procedure Clear the FE-MANWKSWPR-RING ConditionProcedure Clear the FE-MANWKSWPR-SPAN Condition FE-MANWKSWPR-SPANFeprlf Procedure Clear the Feprlf Alarm on a BlsrProcedure Clear the FORCED-REQ Condition FORCED-REQFORCED-REQ-SPAN Procedure Clear the FORCED-REQ-RING ConditionProcedure Clear the FORCED-REQ-SPAN Condition FrcdswtointFrcdswtothird Procedure Clear the Frngsync AlarmFrcdswtosec FrngsyncFULLPASSTHR-BI Procedure Clear the FULLPASSTHR-BI ConditionProcedure Clear the Hitemp Alarm HitempProcedure Clear the Hldovrsync Alarm HldovrsyncImproprmvl Procedure Clear the Improprmvl Alarm Inhswpr Procedure Clear the Inhswpr ConditionINC-ISD InhswwkgInvmacadr KB-PASSTHRLKOUTPR-S LOCKOUT-REQ Procedure Clear the LOCKOUT-REQ ConditionProcedure Clear the LOCKOUT-REQ-RING Condition LOCKOUT-REQ-RINGProcedure Clear the LOF Bits Alarm Procedure Clear the LOF DS-1 AlarmLOF DS-1 Procedure Clear the LOF DS-3 Alarm LOF DS-3Procedure Clear the LOF OC-N Alarm LOF OC-NLOP-P LOP-V Procedure Clear the LOP-P AlarmProcedure Clear the LOP-V Alarm LOS BitsProcedure Clear the LOS Bits Alarm Procedure Clear the LOS DS-1 AlarmLOS DS-1 Procedure Clear the LOS DS-3 Alarm LOS DS-3LOS OC-N Procedure Clear the LOS OC-N Alarm Lpbkfacility DS-N Procedure Clear the Lpbkfacility DS-N ConditionLpbkcrs Clear the Lbkcrs ConditionLpbkfacility OC-N Procedure Clear the Lpbkfacility OC-N ConditionProcedure Clear the Lpbkterminal DS-N, OC-N Condition Lpbkterminal DS-N, OC-NProcedure Clear the MAN-REQ Condition ManresetProcedure Clear the Lpbkterminal G-Series Condition Lpbkterminal G-SeriesManswtosec ManswtointManswtopri ManswtothirdProcedure Clear the MEA Eqpt Alarm Procedure Clear the MANUAL-REQ-RING ConditionProcedure Clear the MANUAL-REQ-SPAN Condition MANUAL-REQ-SPANMEM-GONE Procedure Clear the Mfgmem BP, Fan-Tray Assembly Alarm MEM-LOWMfgmem Procedure Clear the PDI-P Condition PDI-PProcedure Clear the PEER-NORESPONSE Alarm PEER-NORESPONSEProcedure Clear the PLM-P Alarm PLM-PPLM-V Procedure Clear the PLM-V AlarmProcedure Clear the PRC-DUPID Alarm PRC-DUPIDProcedure Clear the Protna Alarm ProtnaProcedure Clear the PWR-A Alarm PWR-AProcedure Clear the PWR-B Alarm PWR-BPWR-REDUN Procedure Clear the PWR-REDUN AlarmProcedure Clear the RAI Condition 140 RAIRFI-L Procedure Clear the RCVR-MISS AlarmProcedure Clear the RFI-L Condition 101RFI-V Procedure Clear the RFI-P ConditionRFI-P 102RING-MISMATCH Procedure Clear the RFI-V ConditionProcedure Clear the RING-MISMATCH Alarm 103148 SD RING-SW-EASTRING-SW-WEST 104SD-L Procedure Clear the SD ConditionProcedure Clear the SD-L Condition SD-P151 SF Procedure Clear the SD-P ConditionProcedure Clear the SF Condition SF-LSF-P Procedure Clear the SF-L ConditionProcedure Clear the SF-P Condition SftwdownSPAN-SW-EAST Procedure Clear the SNTP-HOST AlarmSNTP-HOST SPAN-SW-WESTProcedure Clear the Squelch Condition Squelch109 SSM-FAIL Procedure Clear the SSM-FAIL AlarmSSM-DUS 110SSM-OFF Procedure Clear the SSM-OFF ConditionSSM-LNC SSM-PRCSSM-ST2 SSM-RESSSM-SMC SSM-ST3SSM-STU Procedure Clear the STU ConditionSSM-ST4 SSM-TNCProcedure Clear the Swmtxmod Alarm 114Swtosec Procedure Clear the Swtosec ConditionSwtopri SwtothirdSYNC-FREQ Procedure Procedure Clear the Swtothird ConditionProcedure Clear the SYNC-FREQ Condition 116Syncpri Procedure Clear the Syncpri AlarmProcedure Clear the Syncsec Alarm SyncsecProcedure Clear the Syncthird Alarm Syncthird118 TIM-P SysbootProcedure Clear the TIM-P Alarm 119Trmt Procedure Clear the Tptfail G-Series AlarmTptfail G-Series 120TRMT-MISS Procedure Clear the Trmt AlarmProcedure Clear the TRMT-MISS Alarm 121Click the Select Affected Circuits dialog box Procedure Clear the UNEQ-P AlarmUNEQ-P 122UNEQ-V 123Procedure Clear the Wkswpr Condition XTC Line AlarmsProcedure Clear the UNEQ-V Alarm WkswprProcedure Change a Ring ID Number Common Procedures in Alarm TroubleshootingProcedure Identify a Ring ID or Node ID Number 125Procedure Verify or Create Node DCC Terminations Procedure Change a Node ID NumberProcedure Verify Node Visibility for Other Nodes Click Ring MapProcedure Clear a Upsr Lock Out Procedure Lock Out a Blsr SpanProcedure Clear a Blsr Span Lock Out 127Procedure Clear a Loopback Procedure Clear an External Switching CommandProcedure Delete a Circuit 128Procedure Verify BER Threshold Level Procedure Reset the Active XTC Card in CTCProcedure Reset a Traffic Card in CTC 129Procedure Remove and Reinsert Fan-Tray Assembly Procedure Physically Replace a CardProcedure Remove and Reinsert Reseat a Card 130Replace the Fan-Tray Assembly Replace HardwareRemoving the Fan-Tray Assembly Inspect, Clean, and Replace the Reusable Air Filter Remove and Reinsert Reseat the Standby XTCRemoving the Reusable Fan-Tray Air Filter Replacing the Reusable Fan-Tray Air Filter Page D E IN-1AUD-LOG-LOW IN-2BER IN-3CTC IN-4Mismatch IN-5IN-6 Frcdswtoint IN-7IN-8 LED IN-9IN-10 Protna IN-11IN-12 Squelch IN-13IN-14 Slmf IN-15TCP/IP IN-16See also loopback IN-17IN-18
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ONS 15327 specifications

Cisco Systems ONS 15327 is a high-performance optical networking solution tailored for service providers and enterprises looking to enhance their optical communication infrastructure. This versatile platform is recognized for its robust performance, scalability, and flexibility, making it suitable for a wide array of applications ranging from broadband access to metropolitan area networking.

One of the standout features of the ONS 15327 is its ability to handle multiple data types over a single platform. It supports a rich array of protocols, including Ethernet and SONET/SDH, allowing service providers to deliver a diverse portfolio of services to their customers. This multiservice capability simplifies the network architecture, reducing operational complexity and costs.

The ONS 15327 is designed with a modular architecture, which enables operators to customize and scale their network as demand grows. It supports a variety of card options for different media types, wavelengths, and capacity requirements. This modularity not only facilitates straightforward upgrades but also allows for efficient network management.

In terms of technology, the ONS 15327 leverages dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) capabilities to maximize the utilization of available fiber bandwidth. This allows for an impressive increase in transmission capacity without the need for additional fiber installations, making it a cost-effective solution for expanding networks.

Another significant characteristic of the Cisco ONS 15327 is its advanced performance monitoring and management features. Built-in diagnostic tools provide real-time visibility into network performance, enabling prompt identification and troubleshooting of potential issues. This proactive approach to network management enhances service reliability and customer satisfaction.

Security is also paramount in the ONS 15327. The platform integrates various security features and protocols to protect the data traversing the network, ensuring compliance with industry standards and safeguarding sensitive information.

Furthermore, the equipment is designed for easy integration into existing infrastructures. Its compatibility with Cisco’s broader networking solutions allows for seamless interconnection with routers, switches, and other devices, facilitating comprehensive network solutions.

In conclusion, Cisco Systems ONS 15327 stands out as a powerful optical networking platform that combines versatility, scalability, and advanced management features. Its ability to support various protocols and harness optical technologies makes it an essential tool for organizations aiming to optimize their telecommunications infrastructure while minimizing costs and complexity.