snmp community
Syntax: | snmp community {index} {string} [ro rw] |
Mode: Administrator
Description: Creates or modifies community strings or associated access rights. All new
entries are enabled by default. To disable an entry, use the snmp community disable command.
Command Keyword Definitions
•index—Index of one of the community table entries. An integer from 1 to 5.
•string—Community name. An alphanumeric string that contains from 1 to 20 characters. A number cannot be the first character. Spaces are not valid characters.
•ro—(Optional) Sets the community for read-only access. This is the default value.
•rw—(Optional) Sets the community for read-write access.
snmp community disable
Syntax: | snmp community disable [index] |
Mode: Administrator
Description: Disables a community string.
Command Keyword Definition
index—(Optional) Index of an entry in the community table. An integer between 1 and 5. If no value is entered, all community strings are disabled.
3-32Cisco Micro Hub User Guide