Chapter 6 H.248
H.248 Termination State Control Package
•The tsc/gtd and tsc/ata properties and the tsc/dc event (if subscribed for) are reported to the MGC in Audit responses.
The tsc-suspend Feature
•Termination association (by context or VLAN) is not relevant to
•The trt property may be set to ON only when changing a termination to OutOfService. Modification of trt can cause the following error cases:
–trt set to ON and ServiceState set to InService.
–trt set to ON and ServiceState is not supplied (in which case it defaults to InService).
In each case, the transaction is failed with error 421, “Unknown action or illegal combination of actions.” This policing occurs before any other processing or checking.
•The MG ignores cases where the termination is already OutOfService when trt is set to ON.
•If the recovery timer is running and LocalControl is modified:
–If trt is ON and the recovery timer (rt) is
–If trt is OFF or rt is zero, the timer is stopped.
•If the MGC manually changes a suspended termination from OutOfService to InService, the recovery timer is stopped. However, if the MGC
•The tsc/trt and tsc/rt properties and the tsc/rc event (if subscribed for) are reported to the MGC in Audit responses.
DBE Restrictions
The following is a restriction of DBE support for the tsc package:
•Terminations can be associated by context, but not by VLAN. This means that the VLAN value of the tsc/ata property is not supported. If a request includes the VLAN value, the request is rejected with error 501, “Not Implemented.”
Note See the MultiService Forum Contribution document, Contribution Number: msf2006.117.03 for more information about the tsc package.
Related Commands
The tsc/ttr statistic is reported in the show sbc dbe
Cisco IOS XE Integrated Session Border Controller Configuration Guide for the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers
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