Chapter 8 Working with Linksets
Viewing Detailed Information for a Linkset
Linkset Details: Components
The Linkset Details: Components section displays information about the links that are associated with the selected linkset. (If the linkset is not associated with any links, the Linkset Details: Components section is empty.)
To see mouse over help popup for each column in the table, place the cursor over a column header.
If a cell is too small to show all of its data, place the cursor over the cell to see the full data in a mouse over help popup.
You can resize each column, or sort the table based on the information in one of the columns. By default, SGM displays all of the columns in the link table except Internal ID, Congestion Level, and Last Status Change.
•To display hidden columns,
•To hide columns,
| See the “Resizing, Sorting, and Hiding Table Columns” section on page |
| more information about resizing, sorting, displaying, or hiding columns. |
| The link table contains the following columns: |
Column | Description |
Internal ID | Internal ID of the link. The internal ID is a unique ID for every object, assigned |
| by SGM for its own internal use. It can also be useful when the TAC is debugging |
| problems. |
Node | Name of the node associated with the link. |
Signaling Point | Name of the signaling point associated with the link. |
Linkset | Name of the linkset associated with the link. |
SLC | Signaling link code (SLC) ID for the link. |
| Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide |