Chapter 2 Using SS7Cfg to Configure Your Gateway
Using SS7Cfg to Directly Manipulate the Registry
Only the keys and values under CurrentVersion will actually control the SS7 gateway. If the new keys do not work as expected, you can always return to an earlier version by renaming the CurrentVersion key to a backup name and renaming one of the backup names to “CurrentVersion.”
Using SS7Cfg to Directly Manipulate the Registry
The SS7Cfg tool is now ready to read or write directly from or to the Registry, on either the local or an accessible networked machine. This allows the administrator to skip the intermediate step of saving configured information out to a .reg file, but care should be taken to ensure that the new configuration is correct. Also, the gateway must have already been installed during the ICM Setup procedure. See the Cisco ICM Software Installation Guide for details about using ICM Setup.
How to export directly to the Registry
Step 1 Select File > Export to Registry… or press Ctrl+E.
Cisco ICM Enterprise Edition SS7 Gateway Configuration Tool User Guide Release 6.0(0)