VIP Port Adapter Functions
Using the EXEC Command Interpreter
Before you use the configure command, you must enter the privileged level of the EXEC command interpreter with the enable command. The system will prompt you for a password if one has been set.
The system prompt for the privileged level ends with a pound sign (#) instead of an angle bracket
(>). At the console terminal, enter the privileged level as follows:
Step 1 At the
Router> enable
Step 2 Enter the password (the password is
Step 3 When you enter the correct password, the system displays the
Proceed to the following section to configure the new interfaces.
Shutting Down an Interface
Before you remove an interface that you will not replace, or replace port adapters, shut down (disable) the interfaces to prevent anomalies when you reinstall the new or reconfigured interface processor. When you shut down an interface, it is designated administratively down in the show command displays.
Follow these steps to shut down an interface:
Step 1 Enter the privileged level of the EXEC command interpreter. (Refer to the previous section for instructions.)
Step 2 At the
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Step 3 Specify the slot/port address of the first interface that you want shut down by entering the subcommand interface, followed by the type (serial) and slot/port (interface processor slot number/1). The example that follows is for a VIP in interface processor slot 1:
Router(config)# interface serial 1/1/0