•A description of any action(s) already taken to resolve the problem (e.g., changing mode switches, rebooting the unit, etc.)
•The serial and revision numbers of all involved Cabletron Systems products in the network
•A description of your network environment (layout, cable type, etc.)
•Network load and frame size at the time of trouble (if known)
•The device history (i.e., have you returned the device before, is this a recurring problem, etc.)
•Any previous Return Material Authorization (RMA) numbers
The following conventions are used throughout this document:
LCM commands, prompts, and information displayed by the computer appear in Courier typeface, for example:
Current Number of Learned Addresses: 133
Information that you enter appears in Courier bold typeface, for example:
Information that you need to enter with a command is enclosed in angle brackets < >. For example, you must enter a port number and an IP address to execute the ipaddr <port #> <IP address> command:
Field value options appear in bold typeface.