2 Stop the Brocade SMI Agent
On Windows:
On Windows, you can also click Start > Programs > SMIAgent > Start CIMOM.
Starting the SMI-A as a service
1.Type the following at the command line: On Linux, Solaris, and AIX:
sh <SMIAgent>/agent/server/jserver/bin/start_agent_service.sh On Windows:
On Windows, you can also click Start > Programs > SMIAgent > Start SMI Agent Service.
Stop the Brocade SMI Agent
To stop the
If the SLP daemon was started, stop the daemon using the procedures described in “Service Location Protocol (SLP) support” on page 7.
On Linux, Solaris, or AIX, if security is enabled for the agent, then the stop_server or
stop_agent_service command should be provided with a username and password. For example:
sh <SMIAgent>/agent/server/jserver/bin/stop_server.sh
Stopping the SMI-A
1.Select one of the following options depending on your operating system: a. On Windows, select Start > Programs > SMIAgent > Stop CIMOM.
1.Alternatively, you can open a command prompt that is different from the window in which the start_server.bat file is running.
2.Run the following:
a.On Linux, Solaris, or AIX, become the root user: for example, % su root.
Run the following:
sh <SMIAgent>/agent/server/jserver/bin/stop_server.sh
The protocol, host, and port information are required only when the defaults are changed.
6 | Brocade SMI Agent User’s Guide |