3 Debugging and logging options configuration
4 - Info | Exceptions that are of no interest to the user. For example, an exception |
| logged when the |
| the user specifies “ProtocolToUse” as “Any.” |
Increasing the value of the exception level causes a decrease in performance because the amount of data to be logged increases.
4.To disable debugging, clear the Enable Debug logging check box.
5.Click Apply.
If you selected Dynamic Update, the changes take effect immediately. If you selected File Update, the changes take effect when you restart the server.
FIGURE 24 Configure debugging options for provider
Logging options for the provider
You can enable or disable console and file logging. When you enable file logging, you specify the location of the log file and optionally, the size and number of log files. If you specify the log file size and count, then when the specified size is exceeded on the first log file, logs will be written to the next log file.
Configuring logging options for provider
1.Launch the Brocade SMI Agent Configuration Tool.
2.Click Provider in the menu tree (see Figure 25).
The content pane displays the current logging configuration for the provider.
3.To enable console logging, check the Enable Console logging check box. To disable console logging, clear this box.
40 | Brocade SMI Agent User’s Guide |