SMI Agent security | 3 |
Disabling user authentication does not take effect until after the server is restarted. So even if you disable user authentication in this window, you will still be prompted to provide user credentials until you restart the server.
4.Windows only: You can enable domain authentication by checking the Windows Domain Authentication check box and providing the domain name in the field provided.
To disable domain authentication, clear the Windows Domain Authentication check box. If you disable the Windows domain authentication, you are prompted to provide local user credentials.
This option is available only if you clicked Enable User Authentication or if user authentication is already enabled.
5.Click Apply.
If you enabled user authentication, a dialog box pops up requesting user name and password.
6.Provide the user name and password in the dialog box. Do not include the domain name with the user name. For example:
Correct user: myUserName
Incorrect user: myDomain\myUserName
These credentials are assumed to be valid and are not authenticated by the Configuration Tool. These credentials are used in further communication with the SMI Agent.
If Windows Domain Authentication is not enabled, then provide the local user credentials. If Windows Domain Authentication is enabled, then provide the domain user credentials.
FIGURE 15 User authentication
Brocade SMI Agent User’s Guide | 29 |