Destination The IP address of the destination network address
Netmask The subnet of that destination IP address
Gateway Gateway of the destination IP address
Metric Hop count to the destination network
Interface Type of interface used
UPnP Port Mapping Table
The UPnP specification is based on TCP/IP and Internet protocols that let devices communicate with each other - UPnP technology doesn't rely on specific device drivers, using instead these standard protocols. UPnP devices can automatically configure network addressing, announce their presence on a network subnet, and permit the exchange of device and service descriptions. The UPnP Port Mapping Table displays the
No. The event number
Status Current status of the UPnP port (enable/disable)
Client IP The IP address of the client utilizing the port
Protocol IP protocol (UDP/TCP)
External Port The external port mapping
Internal Port The Internal port mapping
Remote Host IP The IP of the remote host (if applicable)