Creating Sidebars
If you haven’t created a sidebar before, it might be easier to customize an example sidebar to suit your needs.
In the wireframe theme’s theme.plist file, there is a sidebars section that contains an array of sidebars you can customize:
sidebar keys and values
sidebar keys and values
Understanding the Types of Sidebars
There are several types of sidebars, each with a specific purpose and set of keys:
Sidebar Type | Description | Related Section |
static | A list of URLs. | “Static Unique Keys,” on page 19 |
search | A list of search results using tag- | “Search Unique Keys,” on page 20 |
| based or |
calendar | A list of upcoming events. | “Calendar Unique Keys,” on page 21 |
tag | A list of search results using tag- | “Tag Unique Keys,” on page 22 |
| based searching. |
recentActivity | A list of pages sorted by recent | “Recent Activity Unique Keys,” on page 22 |
| viewing frequency. Based on the |
| last 100 page views in a wiki, this list |
| displays the |
| followed by the next |
| and so on. |
admin | A sidebar that appears automatically | Not applicable |
| if someone logs in as an admin. This |
| sidebar isn’t customizable. |
Shared Keys
All sidebars require the following keys:
Key | Example Values | Possible Values | Optional or Required | Description |
displayName | What’s Hot, What’s New, | Any string | Required | Name of the sidebar. |
| Useful Links, Upcoming |
| Events |
type | search, static, calendar | static, search, calendar, tag, | Required | Type of sidebar used. |
| recentActivity, admin |
uid | HotList, RecentAddsList, | Any string | Required | Identifier for the sidebar. |
| UsefulLinks |
| This value must be unique. |