About This Guide
This guide explains how to create custom themes, allow specific protocols, CSS styles, and HTML tags and attributes, and manage wiki content.
The default Wiki Server configuration makes it easy for groups to collaborate and communicate. Users can create and edit wiki pages, tag and
This guide shows you how to customize and extend the wiki to suit your needs. For example, you’ll learn how to:
ÂÂ Create custom themes
ÂÂ Enable JavaScript, YouTube, and Flash
ÂÂ Automate migration from other sources, such as wikis and
The tasks described in this guide can be used on standard, workgroup, and advanced configurations of Leopard Server. These tasks require administrator access and in some cases programming skill. You must be able to edit files on the server, which aren’t accessible to most users. Be careful when editing these files, as an incorrect or untested change could cause problems.
Getting Additional Information
Information about setting up, administering, and using Wiki Server is covered in detail in several places.
For information about setting up web service, see:
ÂÂ Getting
ÂÂ Web Technologies
You can find both guides at the Mac OS X Server Resources website: www.apple.com/server/macosx/resources