2Restart the web service by doing one of the following: ÂÂ Restart the server.
ÂÂ In Server Preferences, click Web, move the slider to Off, and then to On.
ÂÂ In Server Admin, open the disclosure triangle for your server, select Web, click Stop Web, and then click Start Web.
ÂÂ Enter the following in Terminal:
$ sudo serveradmin stop teams; sudo serveradmin start teams;
If prompted, enter your administrator account password.
Restarting the server and restarting web service can disrupt users, so send out a notification that the server will be temporarily down before doing this.
About JavaScript
JavaScript is a lightweight,
All wiki server pages automatically include the frameworks prototype.js and script. aculo.us, which enhance and streamline the use of JavaScript.
For more information, see the following:
Topic | URL |
JavaScript | developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/JavaScript |
| quirksmode.org/js/contents.html |
| crockford.com/javascript/javascript.html |
prototype.js | prototypejs.org/api |
script.aculo.us | wiki.script.aculo.us |
Here are some published JavaScript guides:
ÂÂ JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 5th Edition, by David Flanagan. O’Reilly Media, Inc. 2006.
ÂÂ Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax: From Novice to Professional, by Christian Heilmann. Apress. 2006.