Installing the HBA Driver With Solaris Operating Systems
You must first install the latest available patch clusters for your Solaris OS.
This section contains the following topics:
■“To Download Solaris Patch Clusters” on page 24
■“Downloading HBA Driver Packages and Patches for Solaris 8 and 9 for SPARC” on page 24
■“Downloading HBA Driver Packages and Patches for Solaris 10 for SPARC or x64/x86” on page 28
■“Diagnostic Support” on page 29
▼To Download Solaris Patch Clusters
1.Go to the SunSolve site at: http://sunsolve.sun.com.
2.Click on Patch Portal under Recommended and Security Patches.
3.Click on Recommended Patch Clusters under Recommended Solaris Patch Clusters, J2SE, and Java Enterprise System Clusters.
4.Select and download the patch cluster applicable to your installation.
Install this patch cluster before installing single and dual port HBA driver packages and patches.
Downloading HBA Driver Packages and Patches for Solaris 8 and 9 for SPARC
The single and dual port HBAs are supported on the Sun Solaris 8 and 9 Operating Systems. The drivers for the single and dual port HBAs are delivered as packages and patches on Solaris 8 and 9 OS. The Sun StorEdge SAN Foundation Software version 4.4.8 must be installed as a minimum.
Note – Packages are required only for Sun Solaris for SPARC 8 and 9 releases. Later Sun Solaris for SPARC releases do not require the installation of these packages.
24 Sun StorageTek Enterprise