Figure 4-11 DHCP Settings – Disabled
DHCP Server - Enable or Disable the server. If you disable the Server, you must have another DHCP server within the LAN, or else you must configure the IP address of the clients manually.
Start IP Address - This field specifies the first address in the IP Address pool. is the default start IP address.
End IP Address - This field specifies the last address in the IP Address pool. is the default end IP address.
Address Lease Time - The Address Lease Time is the length of time when a network user will be allowed to keep connected to this device with the current DHCP Address. Enter the amount of time (in minutes) the DHCP address will be "leased". The time range is 1~2880 minutes. The default value is 120 minutes.
Default Gateway - (Optional) It's suggested to input the IP Address of the LAN port of this device. The default value is
Default Domain - (Optional) Input the domain name of your network.