ReadiManager® Software Setup
6After you set the initial system date and time, we recommend synchronizing the system with an external NTP server. To do this:
a Select Use External NTP Server Time Synchronization. b Enter the IP address or full DNS name for the NTP server. c Set the Minutes between synchronization attempts.
If you set the system to use an external NTP server without first setting the current date and time, the system time may be wrong until the system’s first synchronization.
7Click Next.
The Database Setup screen appears. By default, the ReadiManager system uses its own internal database.
8To continue to use the default internal database, skip to step 10 on page
If you are installing a redundant ReadiManager system configuration, leave both servers configured to use the internal database. You will point them to an external database after completing the first time setup.
9To use an external Microsoft SQL database server:
a Select the Use an external SQL Server database check box.
b Click Database Setup and download the Remote Database Setup Utility, DBSetup.exe, to your computer.
c Run the Remote Database Setup Utility and complete the information requested in the setup screens.
»Make sure you know the path to the Microsoft SQL server.
»If you use Microsoft Windows authentication, be sure the login ID has administrator privileges on the SQL server.
»If you use Microsoft SQL authentication, be sure the login ID is a member of the sysadmin role.
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