address is
2.Type the description of the PC in the Description field. Fox example: John’s PC.
3.Status - Select Enabled or Disabled for this entry on the Status
4.Click the Save button to save this entry.
To add additional entries, repeat steps
When finished, click the Return button to return to the MAC Address Filtering page.
To Modify or delete an existing entry:
1.Find the desired entry in the table.
2.Click Modify or Delete as desired on the Edit column.
3.Click the Enable All button to enable all entries.
4.Click the Disable All button to disable all entries.
5.Click the Delete All button to delete all entries.
6.Click the Next button to go to the next page and click the Previous button to return to the previous page.
Fox example:
If you want to block the PCs with MAC addresses
5.7.5 Remote Management
You can configure the Remote Management function on this page shown in Figure
¾Web Management Port - Web browser access normally uses the standard HTTP service port 80. This router’s default remote management web port number is 80. For greater security, you can change the remote management web interface to a custom port by