Cleaning Instructions
Advan AMM15TK2 Series Monitors will continue to operate normally while being cleaned in a fashion normal for a hospital environment. This includes cleaning with a damp (wrung out), mild soapy cloth. Protection from various chemicals used for cleaning.
Advan AMM15TK2 Series Monitors will withstand
•70% isopropyl alcohol
•6% aqueous ammonia
•Cidex (2.4% glutaraldehyde solution)
•Sodium Hypochlorite (bleach) 10%
•“Green soap” USP
•0.5% Chlorhexidine in 70% isopropyl alcohol
•Formula 409®
•Wex Cide®
To clean the screen, do not spray liquid cleaners directly on to the unit. Stand away Form the monitor and spray cleaning solution onto a cloth. Without applying excessive pressure, clean the screen with the slightly dampened rag.