DRAM Fast Decoding: This item will effective DRAM operation sequential.
The Choice: Enabled, Disabled.
DRAM Read Pipeline: You may select Enabled fo this field when PBSRAMs are installed. Pipelining improves system performance.
The Choice: Enabled, Disabled.
Sustained 3T Write: This item allow you to enable or disable direct map write back / write through secondary cache.
The Choice: Enabled, Disabled.
Cache R/CPU W Pipeline: This item allows you to enable/disabled the cache timing.
The Choice: Enabled, Disabled.
Video BIOS Cacheable: When enabled. The Video BIOS cache will cause access to video BIOS addressed at C0000H to C7FFFH to be cached, if the cache controller is also enabled
The Choice: Enabled, Disabled.
System BIOS Cacheable: As with caching the Video BIOS above, enabling this selection allows accesses to the system BIOS ROM addressed at F0000H- FFFFFH to be cached, provided that the cache controller is enabled.
The Choice: Enabled, Disabled.
Memory Hole: You can reserve this memory area for the use of ISA adaptor ROMs. The default is Disabled.
Enabled: This field enables the main memory (15~16MB) to remap to ISA BUS.
Disabled: Normal Setting.
Note: If this feature is enabled you will not be able to cache this memory segment.
Init Display First: If two video cards are used (1 AGP and 1 PCI) this specifies which one will be the primary display adapter.
The default is PCI Slot.
PCI Slots: PCI video card will be primary adapter.
AGP: AGP video card will be primary adapter.