IDE HDD Block Mode: IDE Block Mode allows the controller to access blocks of sectors rather than a single sector at a time. The default is Enabled.
Enabled: Enabled IDE HDD Block Mode. Provides higher HDD transfer rates.
Disabled: Disable IDE HDD Block Mode.
Primary Master/Slave PIO: The default is Auto.
Auto: BIOS will automatically detect the Onboard Primary Master/Slave PCI IDE HDD Accessing mode.
Mode 0~4: Manually set the IDE Programmed interrupt mode.
Secondary Master/Slave PIO: The default is Auto.
Auto: BIOS will automatically detect the Onboard Secondary Master/Slave PCI IDE HDD Accessing mode.
Mode 0~4: Manually set the IDE Programmed interrupt mode.
Primary Master/Slave UDMA: This allows you to select the mode of operation for the hard drive. The default is Auto.
Auto: The computer will select the optimal setting.
Disabled: The hard drive will run in normal mode.
Secondary Master/Slave UDMA: This allows you to select the mode of opera- tion for the hard drive. The default is Auto.
Auto: The computer will select the optimal setting.
Disabled: The hard drive will run in normal mode.
Onboard FDD Controller: This controls the state of the onboard floppy controller. The default value is Enabled.
Enabled: Enable the Onboard floppy drive interface controller.
Disabled: Disable the Onboard floppy drive interface controller.
Onboard Serial Port 1/2: This field allows the user to configure the 1st/2nd serial port. The default is Auto.
AUTO: Enable Onboard Serial port 1/2 and address is Auto adjusted
COM1: Enable Onboard Serial port 1/2 and address is 3F8H/IRQ4.
COM2: Enable Onboard Serial port 1/2 and address is 2F8H/IRQ3.
COM3: Enable Onboard Serial port 1/2 and address is 3E8H/IRQ4.
COM4: Enable Onboard Serial port 1/2 and address is 2E8H/IRQ3.
Disabled: Disable Onboard Serial port 1/2.