Frame Buffer Size: Specify the size of system memory to allocate for video memory, from 1 MB to 8 MB.
The Choice: 2MB, 4MB, 8MB.
AGP Aperture Size: The amount of system memory that the AGP card is allowed to share. The default is 64.
4: 4MB of systems memory accessable by the AGP card.
8: 8MB of systems memory accessable by the AGP card.
16: 16MB of systems memory accessable by the AGP card.
32: 32MB of systems memory accessable by the AGP card.
64: 64MB of systems memory accessable by the AGP card.
128: 128MB of systems memory accessable by the AGP card.
256: 256MB of systems memory accessable by the AGP card.
OnChip USB: Select Enabled if your system contains a Universal Serial Bus (USB) controller and you have a USB peripheral.
USB Keyboard Support: This controls the activation status of an optional USB keyboard that may be attached. The default is disabled.
Enabled: Enable USB keyboard support.
Disabled: Disable USB keyboard support.
OnChip AGP: This item allows you to enable/disable AGP function.
OnChip Sound: Turn on/off onchip sound device.
OnChip Modem: Turn on/off onchip software modem device.