2.1.2Cluster Release Notes (revised)
The Cluster Release Notes provide a brief introduction to the TruCluster Server and describe known problems and workarounds.
2.1.3Cluster Technical Overview (revised)
The Cluster Technical Overview describes the major components of the TruCluster Server product. The opening chapter introduces the features of a TruCluster Server cluster. Subsequent chapters provide a more
•Clusterwide file systems, storage, and device names
•The connection manager
•Highly available applications
•The cluster application availability (CAA) component
•The cluster alias subsystem
•The cluster interconnect
•The distributed lock manager (DLM)
•Installation and system management
______________________ Note _______________________
A printed version of this book is packaged with the Tru64
UNIX operating system media but is not included in any of the
Tru64 UNIX documentation kits. It is, however, included in the
TruCluster Server documentation kit.
2.1.4Command and Shell User’s Guide (revised)
The Command and Shell User’s Guide introduces the basic features of the Tru64 UNIX operating system. It describes how to use the command line interface and to perform such tasks as copying files and creating directories. It also describes how to use the shells and their
Although this manual is primarily for users who have little or no familiarity with
2.1.5Documentation Overview for Version 5.1A (revised)
The document you are currently reading.