Writing Kernel Modules
This manual describes topics for all kernel modules such as kernel threads and writing kernel modules in a symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) environment. Read this manual before you use the Writing Device Drivers manual.
This is the same manual that is included in the Developer’s Kit of the Tru64 UNIX documentation set.
Writing PCI Bus Device Drivers
This manual provides information for systems engineers who write device drivers for the PCI bus. It describes PCI
Writing VMEbus Device Drivers
This manual contains information systems engineers need to write device drivers that operate on the VMEbus. It describes
Writing Network Device Drivers
This manual contains information that systems engineers need to write network device drivers that operate on any bus.
Writing a Graphics Device Driver and DDX for the Tru64 UNIX X Server
This manual describes how to add graphics device support to the X Window System on systems running the Tru64 UNIX operating system.
Guide to Preparing Product Kits
This manual describes how to create kernel (device driver) product kits. It provides the information that kit developers need to produce kernel products and layered product kits.
This is the same manual that is included in the Developer’s Kit of the Tru64 UNIX documentation set.
Installation Instructions and Release Notes
This manual explains how to install the Device Driver Kit Version 2.0 product, including source code with sample drivers and user manuals. It also describes changes to the product and documentation since Device Driver Kit Release 1.0.