4.1.11Programming Support Tools
The Programming Support Tools manual describes commands and utilities for text manipulation, macro and program generation, and source file management on Tru64 UNIX.
Although the commands and utilities described in this manual are primarily for programmers, some of them (such as grep and sed) are useful for general users.
The following topics are among those discussed:
•Finding information with regular expressions and the grep command
•Matching patterns and processing information with awk
•Editing files with the sed editor
•Creating input language analyzers and parsers
•Using m4 macros in programs
•Managing source files with RCS or SCCS
•Building programs with the make utility
This manual is for moderately experienced users of UNIX systems.
4.1.12Programming with ONC RPC
The Programming with ONC RPC manual provides an overview of
This manual is for programmers who want to write network applications without knowledge of the underlying network.
4.1.13 Security (revised)
The online version of the Security manual is included with the programming information because it contains information of interest to programmers. However, the printed version is included only in the End User Documentation Kit. See Section 2.1.9 for information about this manual.
4.1.14Writing Kernel Modules
Kernel modules are binary images containing code and data structures that run in the UNIX kernel. These modules provide a level of common code that improves the efficiency of a system by combining like tasks in a single area and eliminating redundant code.
Programming Documentation