Horizontal Margin Selection
Horizontal Margin Selection
Absolute left and right margin selection is accomplished using the following escape sequences:
ESC&a[print position]L Set left margin
ESC&a[print position]M Set right margin
The print position specified indicates a decimal number in the range 0 through
131@ 10cpi (0 - 65 for
Margins can be set at any column, regardless of the present printing position. If the new margin selected is to the right of the current print position, then the new setting takes effect immediately. If the new margin setting is to the left of the current print position, then the new setting does not take effect until the cursor is reset to zero.
The first column within a line is designated column 0. If a print position greater (or less) than the printer’s physical limit is specified, the right (or left) margin will be set to the limits of the printer.
Commands are ignored if the result would place the left margin to the right of the right margin. The only way to move the current active position outside the margins is by using the escape sequences for horizontal cursor control.
To release the right margin use one of the following escape sequences:
ESC&a132M for 10 cpi
ESC&a158M for 12 cpi
ESC&a175M for 13.3 cpi
ESC&a198M for 15 cpi
ESC&a220M for 16.7 cpi
Transparent Print Data
This feature allows the printing of binary data which is required in certain applications. The escape sequence ESC&p[# of bytes]X enables the printer to print data as in the display functions mode, except that no control codes or escape sequences (including CR and ESCZ) are executed. The number specified in the value field is the exact number of bytes that will be interpreted as binary.