LED Behavior
LED color/behavior | Meaning |
Power: blinking green | The power switch has been toggled |
Temp: N/A | on and the software is initializing, or |
Lamp: N/A | the projector is powering down and |
| the fans are running to cool the lamp. |
Power: blinking green (once) | Power Save or Screen Save. |
Temp: N/A | Lamp has exceeded lamp hours limit. |
Lamp: N/A |
Power: solid green | The power switch has been toggled |
Temp: N/A | on and the software has initialized or |
Lamp: N/A | the projector has been powered off |
| via the remote. |
Power: solid green | If Temp and Lamp are flashing simulta- |
Temp: blinking red | neously, the filter hasn’t been cleaned |
Lamp: blinking red | in 100 hrs. |
| If Temp and Lamp are flashing simulta- |
| neously (twice), the cooling air filter |
| may be dusty. Please see “Cleaning |
| the dust filter” on page 42. |
| If Temp and Lamp are flashing alter- |
| nately, the projector is below temper- |
| ature specifications. Please use the |
| projector in an environment between |
| 0°C/32°F to 35°C/95°F. Contact |
| Technical Support if the problem per- |
| sists. |
Power: solid red | Lamp won’t strike (blinks one time) |
Temp: N/A | Lamp has exceeded lamp hours limit |
Lamp: blinking red | (blinks two times) |
| Lamp has failed (blinks three times) |
| Lamp door is open (blinks four times) |
| Turn off the projector and wait one |
| minute, then turn the projector on |
| again. If the projector has exceeded |
| its lamp life limit, replace the lamp |
| and reset the lamp timer. Please con- |
| tact Technical Support if the problem |
| persists. |
Power: solid red | Fan failure. Make sure the vents aren’t |
Temp: blinking red | blocked. Contact Technical Support if |
Lamp: N/A | the problem persists. |
Power: solid red | The projector is overheating. Make |
Temp: solid red | sure the vents aren’t blocked. Con- |
Lamp: N/A | tact Technical Support if the problem |
| persists. |
Power: solid red | Unidentified error. Please contact |
Temp: N/A | Technical Support. |
Lamp: N/A |