choosing startup, 24 custom, 24, 28 default, 24
off, 24 startup, 9
Macintosh computers, connecting to, 4, 30 Main menu, use of Reset, 19 Maintaining projector, 37
Manufacturers, activate external video port, 32 Menus,
Message, Will Shut Down In..., 14
Microsoft PowerPoint®, problem using remote mouse, 30
Mirroring option, 31
Monitor cable, connecting, 3, 5 Monitor Out, connecting, 3 Mono, 20
Mouse, remote, 7, 28 Multisync switch settings, 30 Mute feature, 20
Noisy display in video mode, 40
Normal room, 22
Notices, legal, 47
NTSC, 1, 46
On/Standby button, 14, 15
specifications, 46 states, 14
PAL, 1, 46
Parts and accessories, 45 Personal computers
activating external video port, 32 connecting to, 3, 4, 5
Picture Menu options, 20
Polaroid Polaview 330 LCD projector. See Pro- jector
Polaroid Technical Support, 49 Poor display quality, 40
Port, activating external video, 32
Portable Macintosh computer, connecting to, 5 Power
connecting, 2 specifications, 46
Powered external speakers, connecting to, 6 Powering up the projector, 9 PowerPoint®, problems with, 30 Precautions, safety, 50
Problems PowerPoint®, 30 projector, 39
Processor Direct Slot (PDS), 31 Projecting images
from behind screen, 24
from upside down ceiling mount, 24 Projector
alignment problems, 40 audio, connecting, 6 cleaning precautions, 50
connecting to Macintosh computers, 4, 30 connecting to personal computer, 3, 5 dimensions, 46
features, 1
filters, cleaning/replacing, 37 focus, adjusting, 10
image height, adjusting, 12 image level, adjusting, 13 image size, adjusting, 10 lamp, 1, 37
legal notices, 47 Macintosh issues, 30 maintaining, 37 operating states, 14 parts and accessories, 45 powering up, 9
safety precautions, 50 setting up, 28, 30 troubleshooting, 39 warranties, 49
Projector life, displaying, 27 Projector usage, displaying, 27 Pseudo Stereo, 20
Quality problems with display, 39
Ratio specifications, 46
Rear Projection, controlling, 24
English 3