Texas Instruments TMS320DM6446 DVEVM v2.0 manual Important Notice

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Contents TMS320DM6446 Dvevm Getting Started Guide Important Notice Evaluation BOARD/KIT Important Notice FCC Warning Preface About This GuideNotational Conventions Contents Contents Dvevm Overview Welcome What’s in this Kit? EVM Hardware Block Diagram What’s on the Board?What’s Next? Page EVM Hardware Setup Setting Up the Hardware EVM Hardware Setup Setting Up the Hardware Setting Up the Hardware Connecting to a Console Window Running the Demonstration Software Default Boot Configuration Starting the Standalone DemosStarting the Standalone Demos Running the Standalone Demos Shutting Down the Demos About the Encode + Decode Demo IR Remote Buttons for Encode + Decode DemoAbout the Encode Demo IR Remote Buttons for Encode DemoAbout the Decode Demo Running the Demos from the Command Line About the Third Party MenuTarget $ cd /opt/dvsdk/dm6446 Running the Network Demo Page Dvevm Software Setup Software Overview Command Prompts in This Guide Software Components DmaiPreparing to Install Installing the SoftwareInstalling the Target Linux Software Installing the Dvsdk Software Installing the A/V Demo Files Installing the SoC Analyzer Exporting a Shared File System for Target AccessVerify that the server firewall is turned off Testing the Shared File System EVM # setenv nfshost ip address of nfs hostConfiguring the Boot Setup for PAL Video Users Setting Up the Build/Development Environment Writing a Simple Program and Running it on the EVMBuilding a New Linux Kernel Enable Linux Trace Toolkit Support as built-in Rebuilding the Dvevm Software for the Target Booting the New Linux Kernel EVM # setenv serverip tftp server ip addressTesting the Build Environment Using the Digital Video Test Bench DvtbRelease Notes User Guide Running The SoC Analyzer Documentation for DSP-Side Development Documentation for Dvsdk ComponentsXDAIS-DM Digital Additional Procedures Using S-Video Input Changing the Video Input/Output MethodsUsing S-Video Output OUTUsing Component Video Output Pr PbPutting Demo Applications in the Third-Party Menu File filename.tar.gz Setting Up a Tftp Server You should see the following outputAlternate Boot Methods Booting from Flash Using the EVM’s Hard Drive File SystemBooting via Tftp Using the EVM’s Hard Drive File System Booting from Flash Using NFS File System Booting via Tftp Using NFS File SystemRebuilding DSP/BIOS Link System Setup Restoring and Updating the EVM Hard Disk DriveConfigure EVM for NFS Root Mount Restore the EVM Hard Disk Drive Restoring From Target EVM HDD PartitionRestoring From Host Linux Workstation File System Go to the /restore directory Index Index--2 Index--3 Index--4 Page Spectrum Digital, Inc 508168-0001C